Browse Standards J3105
WIP 2024-04-23

Electric Vehicle Power Transfer System Using Conductive Automated Connection Devices J3105

This document covers the general physical, electrical, functional, testing, and performance requirements for conductive power transfer, primarily for vehicles using a conductive ACD connection capable of transferring DC power. It defines conductive power transfer methods, including the infrastructure electrical contact interface, the vehicle connection interface, the electrical characteristics of the DC supply, and the communication system. It also covers the functional and dimensional requirements for the vehicle connection interface and supply equipment interface. New editions of the documents shall be backwards compatible with the older editions. There are also sub-documents which are identified by a SAE J3105/1, SAE J3105/2, and SAE J3105/3. These will be specific requirements for a specific interface defined in the sub-document.
Currently unavailable for purchase at this time

This Standard is currently a WIP.