Browse Standards AS6171/16
WIP 2016-02-15

Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Netlist Assurance Test Methods AS6171/16

Netlist Assurance Test Methods exist to assess microcircuit designs for maliciously added, removed, or modified functions detrimental to system operation. In the context of the Microcircuit fabrication design process, these methods will be used to analyze a computer aided design (CAD) representation of the microcircuit. The Netlist Assurance Test Methods discover vulnerabilities, undisclosed functions (e.g. "kill switch", paths to leak passwords, or triggers of malicious activity) and changes from the original specifications of the devices. These methods are intended to be used with standard verification methods that the implemented design has remained unchanged through the many transformations in the design flow.
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This Standard is currently a WIP.