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Technical Paper

Steering Shaft Separation with a Collision Involved Heavy Duty Steering Gear

A crash of a medium duty truck led to a study of the failure mechanism of the truck’s steering system. The truck, after being involved in a multi-vehicle vehicle collision, was found with its steering input shaft disconnected from the steering gear. The question arose whether the steering gear failure was a result of the collision, or causative to the collision. An in-depth investigation was conducted into whether forces on the vehicle due to the collision could cause the steering shaft to separate from the steering gear. Additionally, the performance of the steering gear with the adjuster nut progressively backed off was studied to determine the feedback a driver would receive if the steering gear came progressively apart. From the results of these studies, conclusions with regard to the crash causation were reached.
Technical Paper

Development of a Computational Method to Predict Occupant Motions and Neck Loads During Rollovers

The mechanics of on-road, friction-induced rollovers were studied with the aid of a three-dimensional computer code specifically derived for this purpose. Motions of the wheels, vehicle body, occupant torso, and head were computed. Kane's method was utilized to develop the dynamic equations of motion in closed form. On-road rollover kinematics were compared to a dolly-type rollover at lesser initial speed, but generating a similar roll rotation rate. The simulated on-road rollover created a roof impact on the leading (driver's) side, while the dolly rollover simulation created a trailing-side roof impact. No head-to-roof contacts were predicted in either simulation. The first roof contact during the dolly-type roll generated greater neck loads in lateral bending than the on-road rollover. This work is considered to be the first step in developing a combined vehicle and occupant computational model for studying injury potential during rollovers.
Technical Paper

Electromyographic Activity and Posturing of the Human Neck During Rollover Tests

Lateral head motions, torso motions, lateral neck bending angles, and electromyographic (EMG) activity patterns of five human volunteer passengers are compared to lateral motions of a Hybrid III ATD during right-left and left-right fishhook steering maneuvers leading to vehicular tip-up. While the ATD maintained relatively fixed lateral neck angles, live subjects leaned their heads slightly inward and actively utilized their neck musculature to stiffen their necks against the lateral inertial loads. Except for differences in neck lateral bending, the Hybrid III ATD reasonably reflects occupant kinematics during the pre-trip phase of on-road rollovers.
Technical Paper

Heavy Truck Rollover Crashworthiness: Testing Methods and Development of Recommended Practices

Testing methods and SAE Recommended Practices were developed for evaluating both the ability of a truck cab to resist roof loading in a rollover environment and the occupant kinematics and injury potential for occupants in a 90-degree heavy truck rollover. In evaluating a heavy truck roof for its ability to resist rollover loads, real-world accident data was analyzed and full-scale tests were performed to define the rollover environment. It was found that testing methods currently in place for passenger cars were not sufficient to represent the loading mechanisms that typically occur in a heavy truck rollover. An SAE Recommended Practice (RP) for both dynamic and quasi-static roof load testing was developed, and tests were conducted to evaluate their use. To evaluate heavy truck occupant safety in a 90-degree rollover, independent of roof intrusion, a rollover simulator was developed. The simulator allows occupant restraints, seats, and interiors to be evaluated for injury mechanisms.
Technical Paper

Single-Vehicle Rollovers Involving an Initial Off-Roadway Excursion Followed by a Return to Roadway: A NASS Study and Vehicle Response Measurement

This paper describes an investigation that seeks to understand how rollovers occur in real-world crashes, both by studying real world crashes and by analyzing vehicle handling tests to gain insights into potential mechanisms of pre-crash loss of control. In particular, this study focuses on one type of rollover, namely single-vehicle rollovers that follow a pattern of the vehicle first leaving the roadway and then returning to the roadway typically out-of-control. Aims of this study included the following: To describe the frequency and characteristics of single-vehicle rollovers involving an off-roadway excursion followed by a complete, if only temporary return to the roadway. To the extent possible, given available data, to assess the nature and consequences of driver inputs during the crash sequence. To define characteristics of crash scenarios which include a substantial proportion of this subset of single-vehicle rollovers.
Technical Paper

The Use of Stationary Object Radar Sensor Data from Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in Accident Reconstruction

As a result of the development of Event Data Recorders (EDR) and the recent FMVSS regulation 49 CFR 563, today’s automobiles provide a limited subset of electronic data measurements of a vehicle’s state before and during a crash. Prior to this data, the only information available about the vehicle movements before or during a collision had come from physical evidence (e.g. tire marks), witnesses, aftermarket camera systems on vehicles, and ground-based cameras that were monitoring vehicle traffic or used for security surveillance. Today’s vehicles equipped with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have vehicle-based sensors that measure information about the environment around a vehicle including other vehicles, pedestrians, and fixed wayside objects.
Technical Paper

Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle (ROV) Handling and Control

Through testing conducted by multiple facilities, it has been observed that the class of compact two-person vehicles designed exclusively for off-road operation known as Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles (ROVs) exhibit a range of steady-state handling characteristics - including both understeer and understeer transitioning to oversteer as measured in circle-turn tests similar to those set forth in SAEJ266. This handling characteristic is different from on-road passenger cars and light trucks which, under all but heavy loading conditions, exhibit linear range and limit understeer steady-state cornering behavior. Limit understeer is considered desirable for on-road vehicles because it provides a directionally stable and generally predictable control response. In the research presented in this paper, the handling qualities, including controllability, of a ROV which was modified to have different steady-state handling characteristics ranging from understeer to oversteer is examined.
Technical Paper

Vehicle Rollover Testing, Methodologies in Recreating Rollover Collisions

Testing techniques for creating rollovers have been a subject of much study and discussion, although previous work has concentrated on creating a repeatable laboratory test for evaluating and comparing vehicle designs. The two testing methodologies presented here address creating rollover tests that closely mimic a specific accident scenario, and are useful in accident reconstruction and evaluation of vehicle performance in specific situations. In order to be able to recreate accidents on off-road terrain, a test fixture called the Roller Coaster Dolly (RCD) was developed. With the RCD a vehicle can be released at speed onto flat or sloping terrain with any desired initial roll, pitch and yaw angle. This can be used to create rollover collisions from the trip stage on, including scenarios such as furrow trip on an inclined road edge.
Journal Article

Dynamic Response of Vehicle Roof Structure and ATD Neck Loading During Dolly Rollover Tests

The debate surrounding roof deformation and occupant injury potential has existed in the automotive community for over 30 years. In analysis of real-world rollovers, assessment of roof deformation and occupant compartment space starts with the post-accident roof position. Dynamic movement of the roof structure during a rollover sequence is generally acknowledged but quantification of the dynamic roof displacement has been limited. Previous assessment of dynamic roof deformation has been generally limited to review of the video footage from staged rollover events. Rollover testing for the evaluation of injury potential has typically been studied utilizing instrumented test dummies, on-board and off-board cameras, and measurements of residual crush. This study introduces an analysis of previously undocumented real-time data to be considered in the evaluation of the roof structure's dynamic behavior during a rollover event.
Journal Article

Heavy Truck Stability with a Trailing Axle Tire Blowout

Trailing axles, otherwise known as tag axles, are utilized in many states to allow heavy duty dump trucks and cement trucks to maximize their capacity. The trailing axle is an additional axle mounted on an arm on the rear of the truck that can be raised and lowered. When lowered, the axle extends the overall wheelbase of the vehicle and increases the total number of axles, thereby allowing for additional load to be carried without exceeding load-restriction regulations. There are multiple manufactures of trailing axles that utilize different suspension designs. One design uses an articulating axle that is mounted to the framework that lowers it. In this study, the sensitivity of this design to tire blowout on one of the trailing axle tires is studied. Testing was conducted that involved initiating a sudden air-loss event by creating a hole in the sidewall of the tire. The handling response of the vehicle was documented with on-board instrumentation and on-board and off-board video.
Technical Paper

Driver Crash Avoidance Behavior: Analysis of Experimental Data Collected in NHTSA’s Vehicle Antilock Brake System (ABS) Research Program

As part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Light Vehicle Antilock Brake System (ABS) Research Program a study was conducted to examine driver crash avoidance behavior and the effects of ABS on drivers’ ability to avoid a collision in a crash-imminent situation. The test track study, described in detail in the SAE paper “Driver Crash Avoidance Behavior with ABS in an Intersection Incursion Scenario on Dry Versus Wet Pavement” [1], was designed to examine the effects of ABS versus conventional brakes, ABS brake pedal feedback level, and ABS instruction on driver behavior and crash avoidance performance. Exponent has obtained the electronic data collected by NHTSA in the dry pavement study and analyzed the steering inputs to better understand how drivers respond to emergency avoidance situations.
Journal Article

All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Handling and Control, Analysis of Objective Data

Because the great majority of All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) use a solid rear axle for improved off-road mobility, these vehicles typically transition from understeer to oversteer with increased cornering severity in tests customarily used by automobile manufacturers to measure steady-state vehicle handling properties. An oversteer handling response is contrary to the accepted norm for on-road passenger vehicles and, for this reason, has drawn scrutiny from numerous researchers. In this paper, an evaluation of ATV handling is presented in which 10 participants operated an ATV that was configured to have two different steady-state cornering characteristics. One configuration produced an approximately linear understeer response (labeled US) and the other configuration transitioned from understeer to oversteer (labeled US-OS) with increasing lateral acceleration in constant-radius turn tests conducted on a skid pad.
Journal Article

Biomechanics of Occupant Responses during Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle (ROV) Riding and 90-degree Tip-overs

Recently, side-by-side Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles (ROVs) have brought elements of the on-road vehicle occupant environment to the off-road trail-riding world. In general, ROV occupant protection during normal operation and in accident scenarios is provided predominately by a roll cage, seatbelts, contoured seats with seat backs, handholds, and other components. Typical occupant responses include both passive (inertial) and active (muscular) components. The objective of the current study was to evaluate and quantify these passive and active occupant responses during belted operation of an ROV on a closed course, as well as during 90-degree tip-over events. Passive occupant responses were evaluated using anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) in 90-degree tip-overs simulated on a deceleration sled.
Technical Paper

Steering Maneuver with Furrow-Tripped Rollovers of a Pickup and Passenger Car

Extensive testing has been conducted to evaluate both the dynamic response of vehicle structures and occupant protection systems in rollover collisions though the use of Anthropomorphic Test Devices (ATDs). Rollover test methods that utilize a fixture to initiate the rollover event include the SAE2114 dolly, inverted drop tests, accelerating vehicle body buck on a decelerating sled, ramp-induced rollovers, and Controlled Rollover Impact System (CRIS) Tests. More recently, programmable steering controllers have been used with sedans, vans, pickup trucks, and SUVs to induce a rollover, primarily for studying the vehicle kinematics for accident reconstruction applications. The goal of this study was to create a prototypical rollover crash test for the study of vehicle dynamics and occupant injury risk where the rollover is initiated by a steering input over realistic terrain without the constraints of previously used test methods.