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Technical Paper

A Comparison of Two Fuel Cell Air Compression Systems at Low Load

Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells are considered to be one of the best alternative power sources for automobiles. For this application, high power and high power density are required. Pressurizing the fuel cell system gives both higher efficiency and higher power density, but that pressure costs a percentage of the fuel cell output power. The compressor used to elevate the pressure has a direct effect on the system efficiency and water balance characteristics, especially at low load. Compressors being developed for fuel cell applications are examined to determine their effect on a fuel cell system. Two compressor technologies are discussed; a positive displacement twin-screw compressor and a turbocompressor, and their effects at low loads and set minimum compressor flows are examined. The turbocompressor proves to be a superior machine in terms of efficiency, and therefore offers the most promising effect on system efficiency of the two compressors.
Technical Paper

A Modular Automotive Hybrid Testbed Designed to Evaluate Various Components in the Vehicle System

The Modular Automotive Technology Testbed (MATT) is a flexible platform built to test different technology components in a vehicle environment. This testbed is composed of physical component modules, such as the engine and the transmission, and emulated components, such as the energy storage system and the traction motor. The instrumentation on the tool enables the energy balance for individual components on drive cycles. Using MATT, a single set of hardware can operate as a conventional vehicle, a hybrid vehicle and a plug-in hybrid vehicle, enabling direct comparison of petroleum displacement for the different modes. The engine provides measured fuel economy and emissions. The losses of components which vary with temperature are also measured.
Technical Paper

A Multi– / Inter–Disciplinary Approach to Fuel Cell System Development: The U.S. DoE GATE Center for Automotive Fuel Cell Systems at Virginia Tech

A discussion of the need for and the advantages of fuel cell systems and technologies is presented as is a description of the multi– / inter–disciplinary efforts currently underway at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) for fuel cell system development. As part of these efforts, the Virginia Tech GATE (Graduate Automotive Technology Education) Center for Automotive Fuel Cell Systems is collaborating in research and education with both government and industry. The current focus of the center is the development of research, laboratory and educational programs in support of the design and implementation of fuel cell systems technology in advanced vehicles. Five GATE Fellowships are being funded by the DoE at the center starting Fall of 1999.
Technical Paper

A Simplified Battery Model for Hybrid Vehicle Technology Assessment

The objective of this work is to provide a relatively simple battery energy storage and loss model that can be used for technology screening and design/sizing studies of hybrid electric vehicle powertrains. The model dynamic input requires only power demand from the battery terminals (either charging or discharging), and outputs internal battery losses, state-of-charge (SOC), and pack temperature. Measured data from a vehicle validates the model, which achieves reasonable accuracy for current levels up to 100 amps for the size battery tested. At higher current levels, the model tends to report a higher current than what is needed to create the same power level shown through the measured data. Therefore, this battery model is suitable for evaluating hybrid vehicle technology and energy use for part load drive cycles.
Technical Paper

An Extended-Range Electric Vehicle Control Strategy for Reducing Petroleum Energy Use and Well-to-Wheel Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) is participating in the 2008 - 2011 EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition series organized by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and sponsored by General Motors (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE). Following GM's vehicle development process, HEVT established goals that meet or exceed the competition requirements for EcoCAR in the design of a plug-in, range-extended hybrid electric vehicle. The challenge involves designing a crossover SUV powertrain to reduce fuel consumption, petroleum energy use and well-to-wheels (WTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to interface with and control the vehicle, the team added a National Instruments (NI) CompactRIO (cRIO) to act as a hybrid vehicle supervisory controller (HVSC).
Technical Paper

An Illustrative Look at Energy Flow through Hybrid Powertrains for Design and Analysis

Improving fuel economy and overall vehicle emissions are very important in today's society with strict new regulations throughout the world. To help in the education process for the next generation of design engineers, this paper seeks to define a powertrain model created and developed to help users understand the basics behind hybrid vehicles and the effects of these advanced technologies. One of the main goals of this research is to maintain a simplified approach to model development. The 1 Hz model described within this work aims to allow energy to be simply and understandably traced through a hybrid powertrain. Through the use of a “backwards” energy tracking method, demand for a drive cycle is found, and, after tracing the energy demand through each powertrain component, the resulting fuel to meet vehicle demand and associated powertrain losses is found.
Journal Article

Battery Charge Balance and Correction Issues in Hybrid Electric Vehicles for Individual Phases of Certification Dynamometer Driving Cycles as Used in EPA Fuel Economy Label Calculations

This study undertakes an investigation of the effect of battery charge balance in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) on EPA fuel economy label values. EPA's updated method was fully implemented in 2011 and uses equations which weight the contributions of fuel consumption results from multiple dynamometer tests to synthesize city and highway estimates that reflect average U.S. driving patterns. For the US06 and UDDS cycles, the test results used in the computation come from individual phases within the overall certification driving cycles. This methodology causes additional complexities for hybrid vehicles, because although they are required to be charge-balanced over the course of a full drive cycle, they may have net charge or discharge within the individual phases. As a result, the fuel consumption value used in the label value calculation can be skewed.
Technical Paper

Closed Loop Transaxle Synchronization Control Design

This paper covers the development of a closed loop transaxle synchronization algorithm which was a key deliverable in the control system design for the L3 Enigma, a Battery Dominant Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Background information is provided to help the reader understand the history that lead to this unique solution of the input and output shaft synchronizing that typically takes place in a manual vehicle transmission or transaxle when shifting into a gear from another or into a gear from neutral when at speed. The algorithm stability is discussed as it applies to system stability and how stability impacts the speed at which a shift can take place. Results are simulated in The MathWorks Simulink programming environment and show how traction motor technology can be used to efficiently solve what is often a machine design issue. The vehicle test bed to which this research is applied is a parallel biodiesel hybrid electric vehicle called the Enigma.
Technical Paper

Cold Start Fuel Economy and Power Limitations for a PEM Fuel Cell Vehicle

Fuel cells are being considered for transportation primarily because they have the ability to increase vehicle energy efficiency and significantly reduce or eliminate tailpipe emissions. A proton exchange membrane fuel cell is an electrochemical device for which the operational characteristics depend heavily upon temperature. Thus, it is important to know how the thermal design of the system affects the performance and efficiency of a fuel cell vehicle. More specifically, this work addresses issues of the initial thermal transient known to the automotive community as “cold start” effects for a direct hydrogen fuel cell system. Cold start effects play a significant role in power limitations in a fuel cell vehicle, and may require hybridization (batteries) to supplement available power. The results include a comparison of cold-start and hot-start fuel cell power, efficiency and fuel economy for a hybrid fuel cell vehicle.
Technical Paper

Control Strategy Development for Parallel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Fuzzy Control Logic

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) is currently developing a control strategy for a parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). The hybrid powertrain is being implemented in a 2016 Chevrolet Camaro for the EcoCAR 3 competition. Fuzzy rule sets determine the torque split between the motor and the engine using the accelerator pedal position, vehicle speed and state of charge (SOC) as the input variables. The torque producing components are a 280 kW V8 L83 engine with active fuel management (AFM) and a post-transmission (P3) 100 kW custom motor. The vehicle operates in charge depleting (CD) and charge sustaining (CS) modes. In CD mode, the model drives as an electric vehicle (EV) and depletes the battery pack till a lower state of charge threshold is reached. Then CS operation begins, and driver demand is supplied by the engine operating in V8 or AFM modes with supplemental or loading torque from the P3 motor.
Technical Paper

Degree of Hybridization Modeling of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Sport Utility Vehicle

An ADVISOR model of a large sport utility vehicle with a fuel cell / battery hybrid electric drivetrain is developed using validated component models. The vehicle mass, electric traction drive, and total net power available from fuel cells plus batteries are held fixed. Results are presented for a range of fuel cell size from zero (pure battery EV) up to a pure fuel cell vehicle (no battery storage). The fuel economy results show that some degree of hybridization is beneficial, and that there is a complex interaction between the drive cycle dynamics, component efficiencies, and the control strategy.
Technical Paper

Degree of Hybridization Modeling of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell PNGV-Class Vehicle

An ADVISOR model of a PNGV-class (80 mpg) vehicle with a fuel cell / battery hybrid electric drivetrain is developed using validated component models. The vehicle mass, electric traction drive, and total net power available from fuel cells plus batteries are held fixed. Results are presented for a range of fuel cell size from zero (pure battery EV) up to a pure fuel cell vehicle (no battery storage). The fuel economy results show that some degree of hybridization is beneficial, and that there is a complex interaction between the drive cycle dynamics, component efficiencies, and the control strategy.
Technical Paper

Design and Development Process for the Equinox REVLSE E85 Hybrid Electric Vehicle

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) is participating in the 2005 - 2007 Challenge X advanced technology vehicle competition series, sponsored by General Motors Corporation, the U.S. Department of Energy, and Argonne National Lab. This report documents the Equinox REVLSE (Renewable Energy Vehicle, the Larsen Special Edition) design and how it meets the Challenge X goals. The design process, Vehicle Technical Specifications (VTS), system components, control strategy, model validation, vehicle balance, and the Challenge X Vehicle Development Process (XVDP) are defined and explained. The selected Split Parallel Architecture (SPA) E85-fueled hybrid vehicle powertrain design can meet the performance, emissions and fuel economy goals of Challenge X, while reducing petroleum use by 80 %.
Technical Paper

Design and Integration Challenges for a Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Sport Utility Vehicle

Large sport utility vehicles have relatively low fuel economy, and thus a large potential for improvement. One way to improve the vehicle efficiency is by converting the drivetrain to hydrogen fuel cell power. Virginia Tech has designed a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle based on converting a Chevrolet Suburban into an environmentally friendly truck. The truck has two AC induction drive motors, regenerative braking to capture kinetic energy, a compressed hydrogen fuel storage system, and a lead acid battery pack for storing energy. The fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle emits only water from the vehicle. The fuel cell stacks have been sized to make the 24 mpg (gasoline equivalent) vehicle charge sustaining, while maintaining the performance of the stock vehicle. The design and integration challenges of implementing these systems in the vehicle are described.
Technical Paper

Development & Integration of a Charge Sustaining Control Strategy for a Series-Parallel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) is participating in the 2012-2014 EcoCAR 2: Plugging in to the Future Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition series organized by Argonne National Lab (ANL), and sponsored by General Motors Corporation (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The goals of the competition are to reduce well-to-wheel (WTW) petroleum energy consumption (PEU), WTW greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria emissions while maintaining vehicle performance, consumer acceptability and safety. Following the EcoCAR 2 Vehicle Development Process (VDP), HEVT is designing, building, and refining an advanced technology vehicle over the course of the three year competition using a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu donated by GM as a base vehicle.
Technical Paper

Development and Testing of a Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management Strategy

An energy management strategy for a prototype P4 parallel hybrid Chevrolet Blazer is developed for the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge. The objective of the energy management strategy is to reduce energy consumption while maintaining the drive quality targets of a conventional vehicle. A comprehensive model of the hybrid powertrain and vehicle physics is constructed to aid in the development of the control strategy. To improve fuel efficiency, a Willans line model is developed for the conventional powertrain and used to develop a rule-based torque split strategy. The strategy maximizes high efficiency engine operation while reducing round trip losses. Calibratable parameters for the torque split operating regions allow for battery state of charge management. Torque request and filtering algorithms are also developed to ensure the hybrid powertrain can smoothly and reliably meet driver demand.
Technical Paper

Development and Validation of an E85 Split Parallel E-REV

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) is participating in the 2009 - 2011 EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition series organized by Argonne National Lab (ANL), and sponsored by General Motors Corporation (GM), and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Following GM's Vehicle Development Process (VDP), HEVT established team goals that meet or exceed the competition requirements for EcoCAR in the design of a plug-in extended-range hybrid electric vehicle. The competition requires participating teams to improve and redesign a stock Vue XE donated by GM. The result of this design process is an Extended-Range Electric Vehicle (E-REV) that uses grid electric energy and E85 fuel for propulsion. The vehicle design is predicted to achieve an SAE J1711 utility factor corrected fuel consumption of 2.9 L(ge)/100 km (82 mpgge) with an estimated all electric range of 69 km (43 miles) [1].
Technical Paper

Development of a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control Strategy Employing Software-In-the-Loop Techniques

In an age of growing complexity with regards to vehicle control systems, verification and validation of control algorithms is a rigorous and time consuming process. With the help of rapid control prototyping techniques, designers and developers have cost effective ways of validating controls under a quicker time frame. These techniques involve developments of plant models that replicate the systems that a control algorithm will interface with. These developments help to reduce costs associated with construction of prototypes. In standard design cycles, iterations were needed on prototypes in order to finalize systems. These iterations could result in code changes, new interfacing, and reconstruction, among other issues. The time and resources required to complete these were far beyond desired. With the help of simulated interfaces, many of these issues can be recognized prior to physical integration.
Technical Paper

Development of a Software-In-The-Loop Model for a Parallel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team (HEVT) of Virginia Tech is currently going through several modeling and testing stages to develop models that represent the P3 PHEV powertrain the team is building as part the EcoCAR 3 competition. The model development process consists of several major steps. First, Model-in-the-Loop (MIL) testing is conducted to validate a conventional vehicle model, down-select a desired powertrain configuration, and generate initial vehicle technical specifications. HEVT is pursuing a performance powertrain that balances high performance with minimal energy consumption. Initial MIL modeling results yield an IVM-60 mph time of 4.9 seconds and an overall UF-weighted 4-cycle energy consumption of 560 Wh/km. MIL modeling provides an initial reference to compare subsequent vehicle modeling. Following the MIL process, Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) is used to develop a vehicle model from the ground-up that facilitates the transition to Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing.
Technical Paper

Development of a Willans Line Rule-Based Hybrid Energy Management Strategy

The pre-prototype development of a simulated rule-based hybrid energy management strategy for a 2019 Chevrolet Blazer RS converted parallel P4 full hybrid is presented. A vehicle simulation model is developed using component bench data and validated using EPA-reported dynamometer fuel economy test data. A combined Willans line model is proposed for the engine and transmission, with hybrid control rules based on efficiency-derived engine power thresholds. Algorithms are proposed for battery state of charge (SOC) management including engine loading and one pedal strategies, with battery SOC maintained within 20% to 80% safe limits and charge balanced behavior achieved. The simulated rule-based hybrid control strategy for the hybrid vehicle has an energy consumption reduction of 20% for the Hot 505, 3.6% for the HwFET, and 12% for the US06 compared to the stock vehicle.