Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-0552

Development and Testing of a Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management Strategy 2023-01-0552

An energy management strategy for a prototype P4 parallel hybrid Chevrolet Blazer is developed for the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge. The objective of the energy management strategy is to reduce energy consumption while maintaining the drive quality targets of a conventional vehicle. A comprehensive model of the hybrid powertrain and vehicle physics is constructed to aid in the development of the control strategy. To improve fuel efficiency, a Willans line model is developed for the conventional powertrain and used to develop a rule-based torque split strategy. The strategy maximizes high efficiency engine operation while reducing round trip losses. Calibratable parameters for the torque split operating regions allow for battery state of charge management. Torque request and filtering algorithms are also developed to ensure the hybrid powertrain can smoothly and reliably meet driver demand. Vehicle testing validates that the hybrid powertrain meets acceleration response targets while delivering an enjoyable driving experience. Simulation testing shows that the energy management strategy improved fuel economy in most drive cycles with improvements of 8.8% for US06, 9.8% for HWFET, and 0.1% for the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge Cycle. Battery state of charge management behavior is robust across a variety of drive cycles using inputs from both simulated and test drivers. The resulting energy management strategy delivers an efficient, responsive, and reliable hybrid electric vehicle.


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