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Safety Considerations for Electrified Propulsion Aircraft

This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information to be considered when performing the safety assessment of electrified propulsion aircraft. Its main focuses are: ● Typical new technologies introduced by electrified propulsion and their impact on safety ● The failure modes of electrified propulsion systems and their components ● Potential effects of failures at system and aircraft levels ● Possible strategies to minimize failures and mitigate their effects The information in this document may be used to generate inputs for system and aircraft safety assessments based on industry standards such as SAE ARP4761. The first issue of this document addresses battery systems, power electronics, eMotors, electrical interconnects and thermal management for fully electric configurations. Future issues are expected to address other subsystems, components and configurations.

Assessment of Electric Engine Failures Leading to LOPC

This Aerospace Information Report provides guidance to assess the tolerance of an aircraft electric engine design to electrical and electronic failures leading to Loss of Power Control (LOPC) or Loss of Thrust Control (LOTC) events. Its intent is to provide a means to demonstrate compliance to certification requirements. At issue 1, this document only addresses fully electric engine configurations targeting single engine aircraft applications with conventional engine installation. It may also be suitable for multi-engine general aviation applications with conventional engine installation.

Integration and Certification Considerations for Electrified Propulsion Aircraft

This document provides a comprehensive compilation of currently available practices, standards, regulations and guidance material that have been considered relevant for developing an electrified propulsion system (independently or as part of an aircraft) and that may also help the applicants in the process of building their own certification approach with their Authority. It also covers unique considerations for electrified propulsion development and aircraft integration. It focuses on the particularities introduced by the new technology. This document is not intended to represent a proposed Means of Compliance with any particular certification regulation.

Architecture Examples for Electrified Propulsion Aircraft

The application of electric power for aircraft propulsion can take a variety of forms, ranging from partial electric to full electric. The introduction of electric engines to drive propulsors, along with the variety of available methods to generate electricity and store energy offers great degree of new design freedom for next-generation aircraft and aircraft architectures. This newfound design freedom exposes a need within the aviation industry to establish a common design language for electrified propulsion. While this need for a common design language is recognized, the intent of this document is to encourage innovation, providing reference architectures as a launching point for future work in this area. This document will describe potential electrified propulsion architectures and provide examples.

Nomenclature and Definitions for Electrified Propulsion Aircraft

Create and publish a list of terms relevant to electrified propulsion aircraft with summary text descriptions. The terms and descriptions will not provide full explanations, diagrams, and other detailed technical descriptions. These deeper descriptions will be addressed in other documents. This document defines the relevant terms and abbreviations related to the design, development, and use of electrified propulsion in aircraft. This definition is provided to enable a consistent use of technical language throughout the standards developed by the E-40 committee.

Endurance tests for Aircraft Electric Engine

Provide guidance to test the durability and integrity requirements of Electric Engines to be type certificated for installation in aircraft. This ARP is intended to provide a means to demonstrate compliance to certification requirements of Engines separately of aircraft certification requirements.