Browse Standards J1819
WIP 2021-04-07

Securing Child Restraint Systems in Motor Vehicles J1819

The scope of this SAE Recommended Practice is to promote compatibility between child restraint systems and vehicle seats and seat belts. Design guidelines are provided to vehicle manufacturers for certain characteristics of seats and seat belts, and to child restraint system (CRS) manufacturers for corresponding CRS features so that each can be made more compatible with the other. The Child Restraint System Accommodation Fixture, shown in Figure 1, is used to represent a CRS to the designers of both the vehicle interior and the CRS for evaluation of each product for compatibility with the other. The features of the accommodation fixture are described as each is used. A CRS accommodation template of transparent plastic, not shown, represents the side of the accommodation fixture for use in approximating its installed position on design drawings.
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This Standard is currently a WIP.