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Technical Paper

The Design Considerations of an Anechoic Chamber

There are a number of factors that dictate the size, type, and resultant over all cost of a controlled acoustical environment in which measurements can be made accurately and reliably. The type of acoustical environment is generally specified in the appropriate SAE, ISO, ANSI or ASTM standards. The purpose of this paper is to concentrate upon the design considerations of a properly engineered anechoic chamber. Anechoic is defined as “free from echoes or reverberations”. An ideal chamber would contain no reflections of sound from its walls, ceiling, or floor and an acoustical free-field condition would exist. Probably the best testing environment is outside with no boundaries to cause reflections. However, temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind can significantly and unpredictably disturb the uniform radiation of sound waves. In an ideal free-field environment, the inverse square law would function perfectly.