
Using Target Performance Indicators as a Training and Evaluation Tool 972618

Most airline maintenance human factors training programs miss the mark when it comes to producing optimal behavioral and procedural changes among participating maintenance professionals. While there are many causes for training outcomes which are less than desired and anticipated, principal among these are the failure of most programs to address the pragmatic learning needs of those technicians as adult learners. Attention to andragogical principles such as clear learning goals, readily apparent relevance and direct applicability of material, immediate feedback, learner directed inquiry and self assessment can contribute greatly to achieving optimal results. A program currently under development at Purdue University utilizes a combination of classroom instruction, group discussion, and learner participation in aviation maintenance scenarios as a method for improving human factors education. Central to this program is the development and use of easily identifiable desired behavior and procedure indicators which can be used by learners to determine if they are achieving their educational goals. Researchers believe that these same indicators, called Target Performance Indicators (TPI), can be used as an evaluation or audit tool to determine the level of acceptance and utilization of human factors principles within aviation maintenance work environments.


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