Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-0929

New Developments in Smart Materials (WCS and CNTs) for Precision Engineering Metrology 2023-01-0929

Nowadays, research progress in smart material technology plays an important role in precision engineering industries to improve the quality of life. The development of natural materials using new treatment methods and accurate characterization technology in micr- and nano-scale have revealed thin layers from wood or carbon, such as Wood Carbon Sponge (WCS) along with discovery Carbon Nano Tubes (CNTs). Therefore, it became clear that there is a big challenge to prove the strength and durability of WCS and CNTs as smart materials to reach innovative use. This paper summarizes the possibility of using advanced engineering and surface technologies to make the most of the natural and acquired potential of smart functional materials. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that the smart thin layers materials add new features such as elasticity strength retention that can be useful in developing engineering metrology systems to improve their precision. In addition, certain types of wood have been used successfully in many applications such as the manufacture of 3D simulation models of mechanical systems to study their dynamic behaviors with outstanding performance. Eventually, new directions under development in this interesting area are proposed to provide solutions for important issues in the future of mechanical engineering metrology and quality control systems that always need scientific treatments to the benefit of the automotive industries.


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