Browse Publications Technical Papers 1999-01-0815

Human Factors Research Issues for the Integration of ITS Devices 1999-01-0815

This paper summarizes the activities and results of a preliminary human factors review for the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Program. The objective of the project was to identify human factors work that needs to be done early in the life cycle of the IVI program to ensure safe and well-engineered vehicles. This project was comprised of two major subtasks. Subtask 1 provided for a “Preliminary IVI Human Factors Technology Workshop” to draw together the stakeholders in the IVI program and define the technologies and the human factors issues that should be considered in developing an IVI. Subtask 2 investigated the preliminary infrastructure and human factors in-vehicle requirements for alternative candidate configurations of an IVI. The following conclusions were developed during the conduct of this project: (1) Human factors research efforts for the Generation I IVI should focus on the need to integrate and manage the information presented to the driver, (2) few human factors research efforts have examined the effects of integrating multiple Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) devices into a vehicle as envisioned by the IVI, (3) considerable human factors research has been conducted to support the development of individual User Services within the IVI, (4) a broad range of ITS technologies is available to support the development of a Generation I IVI prototype and, (5) for the Generation II and III IVI especially, extensive algorithm/software, infrastructure and specific technologies are needed.


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