Automotive Engineering

October 7, 2014

    • Outlook for autonomous driving includes cloud
      Connectivity with off-board data and services and among vehicles will be crucial in maintaining safety and security in future autonomous vehicles.
    • The next wave of crash simulation
      As computing speed has improved and software itself has made significant speed and performance gains with each release, modeling tools are now quick enough to build high-quality, large, high-detail vehicle models in a very efficient manner.
    • SAE 2014 Convergence preview
      Interest in advanced driver-assistance technologies is surging, with automotive engineers and decision makers at OEMs and suppliers working feverishly on the convenience vs. safety trade-off and other electronics-related challenges.
    • Cooled EGR shows benefits for gasoline engines
      Exhaust gas recirculation systems now in use on diesel engines are used mainly to meet emissions regulations. In gasoline engines, they are an appealing way to meet ever more stringent fuel-economy standards
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