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Technical Paper

Electrooxidation Behaviour of Pt/Carbon Electrocatalyst for Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells (PAFC)

The electrooxidation of carbon black, which contains Pt electrocatalyst particles, was investigated in concentrated phosphoric acid at 0.6 to 1.0V. At the high potentials, anodic dissolution of Pt is rapid, and consequently no metal is present to catalyze the corrosion of carbon at 160 °C in 98% H3PO4. On the other hand, at 0.6V anodic dissolution of Pt is negligible, and hence it is present to catalyze the corrosion of carbon. In fact, the measurements indicate that the corrosion rate is noticeable higher than that of carbon black without Pt. These results suggest the Pt particles with surface Pt-0 may serve as an intermediary which facilitates the corrosion of carbon.
Technical Paper

Performance Evaluation of 1 kW Phosphoric Fuel Cell

Phosphoric acid fuel cell PAFC prototype of 1 kW, integrated by a methanol reforming unit, has been designed and developed at CNR (National Research Council) Institute for Transformation and Storage of Energy, Messina, Italy, (“Progetto Volta”, Enea contract) on the basis of the development of proprietary component materials (catalyst, electrodes and matrix). The 1 kW stack is provided with process and cooling plates of proprietary design and construction; internal gas collectors for the working gases in order to have a more compact system and to simplify the gas sealing; an original electrolyte replenishment system.