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Technical Paper

Comparison of Lidar-Based and Radar-Based Adaptive Cruise Control Systems

Since the late 1980s, Delphi Automotive Systems has been very involved with the practical development of a variety of Collision Avoidance products for the near- and long-term automotive market. Many of these complex collision avoidance products will require the integration of various vehicular components/systems in order to provide a cohesive functioning product that is seamlessly integrated into the vehicle infrastructure. One such example of this system integration process was the development of an Adaptive Cruise Control system on an Opel Vectra. The design approach heavily incorporated system engineering processes/procedures. The critical issues and other technical challenges in developing these systems will be explored. Details on the hardware and algorithms developed for this vehicle, as well as the greater systems integration issues that arose during its development will also be presented.
Technical Paper

The Role of Vision Sensors in Future Intelligent Vehicles

The advancement in CMOS imaging sensors has enabled low-cost and high quality cameras that are making their way into future automobiles. Vision sensors can be deployed in a car to perform a variety of functions, including driver monitoring for workload management; passenger monitoring for intelligent airbag deployment; pedestrian and object recognition for precrash sensing; lane marker and roadway tracking for lane/roadway departure warnings; and general scene and object recognition to improve ACC/FCW/CA (adaptive cruise control / forward collision warning / collision avoidance) system robustness through sensor fusion. Possible system implementation and key performance requirements for vision sensors in these applications are discussed.