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Journal Article

A European Regulatory Perspective towards a Euro 7 Proposal

The implementation of emission standards has brought significant reductions in vehicle emissions in the EU, but road transport is still a major source of air pollution. Future emission standards will aim at making road vehicles as clean as possible under a wide range of driving conditions and throughout their complete lifetime. The current paper presents the methodology followed by the Consortium for ultra LOw Vehicle Emissions (CLOVE) to support the preparation of the Euro 7 proposal. As a first step, the emission performance of the latest-technology vehicles under various driving conditions was evaluated. Towards this direction, an emissions database was developed, containing data from a wide range of tests, both within and beyond the current RDE boundaries.
Technical Paper

A Model Based Definition of a Reference CO2 Emissions Value for Passenger Cars under Real World Conditions

With the adoption of the Worldwide harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) and the Real Driving Emissions (RDE) regulations for testing and monitoring the vehicle pollutant emissions, as well as CO2 and fuel consumption, the gap between real world and type approval performances is expected to decrease to a large extent. With respect to CO2, however, WLTP is not expected to fully eliminate the reported 40% discrepancy between real world and type approval values. This is mainly attributed to the fact that laboratory tests take place under average controlled conditions that do not fully replicate the environmental and traffic conditions experienced over daily driving across Europe. In addition, any uncertainties of a pre-defined test protocol and the vehicle operation can be optimized to lower the CO2 emissions of the type approval test. Such issues can be minimized in principle with the adoption of a real-world test for fuel consumption.
Journal Article

A New Constant Dilution Ratio Concept for Vehicle and Engine Exhaust Particle Sampling

This paper presents a new concept of a partial flow sampling system (PFSS), involving a two-stage dilutor which operates at underpressure, while exhaust is sampled through a capillary. The sample flowrate is in the order of few cubic centimeters per minute. Due to the low flowrate, no tight fixation is required between the exhaust line and the capillary inlet. The dilutor may sample from an opening in the exhaust line which freely exhausts to ambient pressure. As a result, the PFSS operates at constant pressure conditions even upstream of diesel particle filters (DPF). A straightforward mathematical model is then developed to calculate the dilution ratio (DR), depending on the dilution air flowrate and the dilutor underpressure. The model is validated using CO2 as a trace gas, and a very good agreement is demonstrated between the calculated and the measured DR values.
Technical Paper

An Experimental Methodology for Measuring Resistance Forces of Light-Duty Vehicles under Real-World Conditions and the Impact on Fuel Consumption

A vital element of any vehicle-certification test is the use of representative values for the vehicle resistance forces. In most certification procedures, including the WLTP recently adopted by the EU, the latter is achieved mainly through coast down tests. Subsequently, the resistance values measured are used for setting up the chassis-dyno resistances applied during the laboratory measurements. These reference values are obtained under controlled conditions, while a series of corrections are applied to make the test procedure more repeatable and reproducible. In real driving, the actual vehicle road loads are influenced by a series of factors leading to a divergence between the certified fuel consumption values, and the real-world ones. An approach of calculating representative road loads during on-road tests can help to obtain a more unobstructed view of vehicle efficiency and, when needed, confirm the officially declared road loads.
Technical Paper

Applicability of the Pegasor Particle Sensor to Measure Particle Number, Mass and PM Emissions

The Pegasor Particle Sensor (PPS) has been earlier presented by Ntziachristos et al. (SAE Paper 2011-01-0626) as a novel small and robust instrument that can be directly installed in the exhaust line to measure exhaust particles without any dilution. The instrument is based on the electrical detection of aerosol. It is increasingly being used to measure exhaust particles from engines and vehicles with different exhaust configurations. In this study, a number of tests have been conducted using two sensors in parallel, one directly installed in the tailpipe and one installed in the CVS, side by side to the PM sampling filter. Aim of the study was to make recommendations on the proper use of the sensor and to check how the sensor signal compares to particulate mass, soot concentration, and particle number. A first finding is that external heating has to be provided to the sensor to avoid condensation.
Journal Article

Application of the Pegasor Particle Sensor for the Measurement of Mass and Particle Number Emissions

The Pegasor Particle Sensor (PPS) is a small and lightweight sensor that can be used directly in raw exhaust to provide the mass and number concentration of exhaust aerosol. Its operation principle is based on the electrical charging of exhaust aerosol and determination of particle concentration by measuring the charge accumulated on the particles. In this paper we have applied the PPS in a variety of vehicle exhaust configurations to evaluate its performance characteristics. First, the output signal of the instrument was calibrated with diesel exhaust to deliver either the mass or the number concentration of exhaust aerosol. Linear response with the soot mass concentration measured by a Photo Acoustic Soot Sensor and number concentration measured by an Electrical Low Pressure Impactor was established.
Technical Paper

Assessment of Components Sizing and Energy Management Algorithms Performance for a Parallel PHEV

In Plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), the management of the main drivetrain components and the shift between pure electric and hybrid propulsion is decided by the on-board energy management system (EMS). The EMS decisions have a direct impact on CO2 emissions and need to be optimized to achieve as low emissions as possible. This paper presents optimization methods for EMS algorithms of a parallel P2 PHEV. Two different supervisory control algorithms are examined, employing simulations on a validated PHEV platform. An Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) algorithm is implemented and compared to a rule-based one, the latter derived by back-engineering of available experimental data. The different EMS algorithms are analyzed and compared on an equal basis in terms of distance, demanded energy and state of charge levels over different driving cycles.
Technical Paper

Characterization of Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Emissions of a Modern Diesel-Powered Tractor under Real Driving Conditions

In this study, tailpipe-sampling was used to sample the exhaust aerosol of a Stage IV tractor equipped with Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) aftertreatment systems. The particle emissions were characterized in terms of number concentration (particle size of > 2.5 nm), mass concentration (particle size of 6-612 nm) BC mass concentration and chemical composition (particle size of > 30 nm). The measurements were conducted on-road by setting a mobile laboratory on a trailer and pulling it with the tractor. In addition to driving, heavy-lift work cycles were tested, where separate lifts of a 1000 kg weight were conducted with the front fork of the tractor with two minutes of idling between consecutive lifts. Both a Porous Tube Diluter (PTD) with ambient temperature dilution air as well as an ejector diluter with hot dilution air were used to sample the exhaust aerosol.
Technical Paper

Comparative Assessment of Two Different Sampling Systems for Particle Emission Type-Approval Measurements

The Particle Measurement Programme (PMP), initiated from different Member States, aims at developing a method and sampling recommendations for a particle number-based emission standard, to support future emission regulation in Europe. In this paper we applied two different commercially available dilution systems (an FPS from Dekati Ltd and an MD19-2E from Matter Engineering AG) to record the particle emissions of a Euro II and a Euro III diesel passenger car. The latter was also fitted with a diesel particle filter (DPF) to simulate future emission levels. At their present development stage, both dilution systems failed to totally comply with all requirements of the PMP protocol. The main problems appeared to be the lack of accurate determination of the dilution ratio and the inability to reach the desired dilution temperature.
Technical Paper

Control Algorithms for xEV Powertrain Efficiency and Thermal Comfort

This paper investigates how different on-board energy management system (EMS) algorithms can affect the total energy consumption considering propulsion, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) operation and thermal comfort requirements. Firstly, an integrated plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) powertrain and HVAC model including vehicle cabin has been developed as a demonstrator. Two different EMS algorithms - namely a rule-based and an equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS) one - are applied to the integrated PHEV model and evaluated under different environmental conditions. The results showed that the HVAC system operation affects the total energy consumption benefits when ECMS algorithm is used over the rule-based. ECMS reduces the total energy consumption by 2.5% compared to rule-based without HVAC operation, while the total energy consumption reduction changes to 5.3% and 6.3% when HVAC provides heating and cooling power respectively.
Technical Paper

Diesel Particle Exhaust Emissions from Light Duty Vehiclesand Heavy Duty Engines

Diesel engines are widespread in both passenger car and heavy duty truck applications. However, despite that the combustion concepts are similar in the two cases, the engine calibration required for compliance with the different emission standards leads to distinct particle emission behavior from the two categories. This paper compares the exhaust particle emissions from heavy duty engines with typical diesel passenger cars of similar emission standard and/or emission control technology. Measurements were conducted with the same sampling system and sampling protocol to avoid interferences induced by the sampling methodology. A range of particle properties were studied, including mass, number of solid and total particles and total particle surface. For comparability, the results are expressed per unit of exhaust volume, per unit of fuel consumed and per unit of distance driven.
Technical Paper

Effect of Lube Oil on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Particulate Matter Emitted from a Euro 4 Light Duty Diesel Vehicle

This paper investigates the effect of lubrication oil on the physical and chemical characteristics of the particulate matter (PM) emitted from a Euro 4 diesel vehicle. Two different lubrication oils were examined. A fully synthetic ACEA grade B3 service-fill oil of low sulfur content (1760 ppm wt.) falling into the OW-40 SAE viscosity grade and a mineral ACEA B2-98 motor oil of high sulfur (8890 ppm wt.), falling into the 15W-40 SAE viscosity grade. To exclude interferences from the fuel derived sulfur, a rather sulfur-free fuel (< 10 ppm wt.) was used in the experiments. The experiments included steady state tests, the certification cycle and real-world highspeed transient driving conditions. The properties measured included total particle mass collected on Teflon-coated filters, total particle number measured by a condensation particle counter, size distributions determined by a scanning mobility particle sizer.
Technical Paper

Effect of Speed and Speed-Transition on the Formation of Nucleation Mode Particles from a Light Duty Diesel Vehicle

This work studies the formation of nucleation mode (NM) particles from a Euro 3 passenger car operating on 280 ppm wt. sulfur fuel, during on-road plume chasing and in the laboratory. The vehicle produced a distinct NM when its speed exceeded 100 km/h in both sampling environments. A higher particle number (up to 8 times) after 4 min at constant speed was measured when this speed was approached from a lower than from a higher speed. The variability in the measurement of NM particles was explained using literature information on sulfur-to-sulfate conversion over a catalyst and, in particular, on the extent and rate of sulfate storage and release mechanisms. All evidence led to the conclusion that storage and release processes take several minutes to conclude after a step-wise change in speed and have significant implications in the total particle number measurements during steady-speed testing.
Technical Paper

Effect of a DPF and Low Sulfur Lube Oil on PM Physicochemical Characteristics from a Euro 4 Light Duty Diesel Vehicle

This paper studies the effect of a Catalyzed Diesel Particle Filter (CDPF) on the emission profile of a Euro 4 diesel vehicle operated on low sulfur fuel and lubrication oil. The vehicle was tested in its original configuration and with the CDPF retrofitted in place of its main underbody catalyst. Experiments included steady state tests, the certification cycle and real-world high speed transient driving conditions. Measurements included total particle mass collected on Teflon-coated filters, total particle number measured by a condensation particle counter, size distributions determined by a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer and chemical analysis of the mass collected for elemental and organic carbon, ions, PAHs, and trace elements. Results showed that the vehicle complies with the Euro 4 emission limits when tested over the type-approval NEDC, but it emits more nitrogen oxides and, in some cases, more particulate matter when tested over real-world test cycles.
Technical Paper

Electrical Filter Stage for the ELPI

Electrical low pressure impactor ELPI was modified to measure particles below 30 nanometers in aerodynamic diameter. This was accomplished by adding a filter stage to collect and measure nanoparticles. The charging unit of the instrument was modified to increase the charging efficiency of the smallest, nanometer sized, particles. The modified charging unit was calibrated and the new construction of the ELPI was tested in laboratory and in vehicle dynamometer test cell. Measurements performed in the engine test cell showed that modifications improve the size range and measurement capability of the ELPI for engine emissions.
Technical Paper

Evaluating Particulate Emissions from a Flexible Fuel Vehicle with Direct Injection when Operated on Ethanol and Iso-butanol Blends

The relationship between ethanol and iso-butanol fuel concentrations and vehicle particulate matter emissions was investigated. This study utilized a gasoline direct injection (GDI) flexible fuel vehicle (FFV) with wall-guided fueling system tested with four fuels, including E10, E51, E83, and an iso-butanol blend at a proportion of 55% by volume. Emission measurements were conducted over the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) driving cycle on a chassis dynamometer with an emphasis on the physical and chemical characterization of particulate matter (PM) emissions. The results indicated that the addition of higher ethanol blends and the iso-butanol blend resulted in large reductions in PM mass, soot, and total and solid particle number emissions. PM emissions for the baseline E10 fuel were characterized by a higher fraction of elemental carbon (EC), whereas the PM emissions for the higher ethanol blends were more organic carbon (OC) in nature.
Technical Paper

Evaluation of Biodiesel Blends on the Performance and Emissions of a Common-Rail Light-Duty Engine and Vehicle

Today most of the European member states offer diesel fuel which contains fatty acid methylesters (biodiesel) at a range between 0.5 to 5% vol. In order to meet longer term objectives, the mixing ratio is expected to rise up to 10% vol. in the years to come. The question therefore arises, how current engine technologies, which were not originally designed to operate on biodiesel blends, perform at this relatively high mixing ratio. A number of experiments were therefore performed over several steady-state operation modes, using a 10% vol. biodiesel blend (palm oil feedstock) on a light-duty common-rail Euro 3 engine. The experiments included measurement of the in-cylinder pressure during combustion, regulated pollutants emissions and fuel consumption. The analysis showed that the blends tested present good fuel characteristics. Combustion effects were limited but changes in the start of ignition and heat release rate could still be identified.
Technical Paper

Exhaust Particle Sensor for OBD Application

Efforts to develop a sensor for on-board diagnostics (OBD) of diesel vehicles are intensive as diesel particulate filters (DPFs) have become widespread around the world. This study presents a novel sensor that has been successfully tested for OBD diagnosis of damaged DPFs. The sensor is based on the "escaping current" technique. Based on this, a sample of exhaust gas is charged by a corona-ionized flow and is pumped by an ejector dilutor built in the sensor's construction. While the majority of ions return to the grounded sensor's body, a small quantity is lost with the charged particles exiting the sensor. This "escaping current" is a measurement of the particle concentration in the exhaust gas. Such a sensor has been developed and tested in real-exhaust of a diesel car and a diesel engine. The sensor provides high resolution (1 Hz, 0.3 s response time) and high sensitivity superseding OBD requirements. The sensor was used on an engine to monitor the efficiency of damaged DPFs.
Technical Paper

Experimental Investigation of Cyclic Variability on Combustion and Emissions of a High-Speed SI Engine

Cyclic combustion variability (CCV) is an undesirable characteristic of spark ignition (SI) engines, and originates from variations in gas motion and turbulence, as well as from differences in mixture composition and homogeneity in each cycle. In this work, the cycle to cycle variability on combustion and emissions is experimentally investigated on a high-speed, port fuel injected, spark ignition engine. Fast response analyzers were placed at the exhaust manifold, directly downstream of the exhaust valve of one cylinder, for the determination of the cycle-resolved carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO) emissions. A piezoelectric transducer, integrated in the spark-plug, was also used for cylinder pressure measurement. The impact of engine operating parameters, namely engine speed, load, equivalence ratio and ignition timing on combustion and emissions variability, was evaluated.
Technical Paper

Overview of the European “Particulates” Project on the Characterization of Exhaust Particulate Emissions From Road Vehicles: Results for Light-Duty Vehicles

This paper presents an overview of the results on light duty vehicles collected in the “PARTICULATES” project which aimed at the characterization of exhaust particle emissions from road vehicles. A novel measurement protocol, developed to promote the production of nucleation mode particles over transient cycles, has been successfully employed in several labs to evaluate a wide range of particulate properties with a range of light duty vehicles and fuels. The measured properties included particle number, with focus separately on nucleation mode and solid particles, particle active surface and total mass. The vehicle sample consisted of 22 cars, including conventional diesels, particle filter equipped diesels, port fuel injected and direct injection spark ignition cars. Four diesel and three gasoline fuels were used, mainly differentiated with respect to their sulfur content which was ranging from 300 to below 10 mg/kg.