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Technical Paper

Chevrolet Montana - Handling Preview for a Racecar

The suspension for a road car focuses in a good compromise between Ride & Handling. When this car is a light pickup, there is also an important compromise between driver and full load condition. For a race car, the suspension system must have a different compromise, were Ride is not considered, but it must be able to keep the tire in contact with the ground, transforming engine power into acceleration, brake power into deceleration and steering inputs in correct corner apex. This paper describes the suspension modification in a production Chevrolet Montana and the methodology used to specify springs, anti roll bars and dampers, which has competed successfully in the 32a Mil Milhas de Interlagos.
Technical Paper

Chevrolet Montana - from a Road Car to a Racecar

The compromise for a race car can be completely different from a road car and these differences become even greater when this car is a light pickup. The target for a race car is to cover a determined distance in the shortest time and when this distance is a thousand miles, lap time is not the only objective. The compromise must include fuel consumption, tire wear, brake wear and even driver fatigue. This paper describes the full preparation, from the production vehicle to the final race car, which has competed successfully in the Brazilian 2004 Mil Milhas.