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Technical Paper

A Predictive Model for Natural Gas and Comparative Study with Gasoline Fuel for a Spark Ignition Engine

The purpose of this work was to obtain a detailed comparison of engine performance and exhaust emissions from compressed natural gas and gasoline fueled Spark Ignition (SI) engines. This research deals with a quasi-dimensional, two-zone, thermodynamic simulation of four-stroke SI engine fueled with a wide range of liquid and gaseous fuels. The results show that the power output of the engine was reduced when fueled by natural gas due to its low volumetric efficiency, but both fuels exhibited nearly equal thermal efficiency. Significant lowering of flame propagation rates with the lower hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, propane) of natural gas fueled spark ignition engine is observed with the corresponding increases in the average length of the combustion duration and ignition delay times. The validity of the model has been carried out with reliable data obtained under same engine setup and yields satisfactory agreement with the corresponding predicted values.
Technical Paper

Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of Efficiency and NOx Emission of a Spark Ignition Engine

The objective of this paper is the prediction of efficiency and NOx emission of a Spark Ignition engine based on engine design and operational parameters using artificial neural networks (ANN). This paper deals with quasi-dimensional, two-zone thermodynamic simulation of four-stroke SI engine fueled with biogas. The developed computer model has been used for the prediction of the combustion and emission characteristics of biogas in SI engines. Predicted results indicate that the presence of carbon dioxide can reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions, but since lower cylinder pressures result, engine power and thermal efficiency are reduced. This is mainly due to the lower heating value of biogas. Using the results from this program, the effects of operational and design parameters of the engine were investigated. For real time computations in electronic control unit (ECU) an artificial neural network (ANN) model has been suggested as an alternative to the engine simulation model.
Technical Paper

Design and Experimental Evaluation of Double Pig Tail Double Conical Spring Parameters

Double pig tail conical springs are used in automotive applications such as air braking system, suspension system etc. There is no standard design methodology, analysis and manufacturing data available for double pig tail double conical springs. Also it is very difficult to achieve the required spring parameters like load at fitted heights, minimized transverse loads, coil diameter and pitch. These kinds of spring can have variable pitch, variable coil diameter and variable wire diameter to get the optimum performance. The effects of excessive spring transverse load will cause damage to the adjacent parts like diaphragm, seals, bearings and it also leads to leak thereby affecting the performance of the product. To achieve better design with fatigue life, load at fitted heights and minimized transverse loads, more number of samples are to be manufactured and tested. This is a time consuming methodology and it is also expensive.