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Technical Paper

Computations and Experiments for Clarifying Compression Level and Stability of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets in a Piston-Less Single-Point Autoignition Engine

In recent years, a new type of engine (Fugine) based on the colliding of pulsed supermulti-jets was proposed by us, which indicates the potential for attaining very high thermal efficiencies and also less combustion noise. A prototype engine with eight nozzles for injecting octagonal pulsed supermulti-jets, which was developed with a low-cost gasoline injector and a double piston system, showed high thermal efficiency comparable to that of diesel engines and also less combustion noise comparable to that of traditional spark-ignition gasoline engines. Another type of prototype piston-less engine having fourteen bioctagonal nozzles was also developed and test results confirmed the occurrence of combustion, albeit it was unstable. In this work, time histories of pressure were measured in the combustion chamber of the piston-less prototype engine under a cold flow condition without combustion in order to examine the compression level obtained with the colliding supermulti-jets.
Technical Paper

Experimental Measurements and Computations for Clarifying Nearly Complete Air-Insulation Obtained by the Concept of Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets

In our previous papers, a new concept of a compressive combustion engine (Fugine) was proposed based on the collision of pulsed supermulti-jets, which can enclose the burned gas around the chamber center leading to an air-insulation effect and also a lower exhaust gas temperature due to high single-point compression. In order to examine the compression level and air-insulation effect as basic data for application to automobiles, aircraft, and rockets, a prototype engine based on the concept, i.e., a piston-less prototype engine with collision of bi-octagonal pulsed multi-jets from fourteen nozzles, was developed. Some combustion results [Naitoh et al. SAE paper, 2016] were recently reported. However, there was only one measurement of wall temperature and pressure in the previous report. Thus, in this paper, more experimental data for pressures and temperatures on chamber walls and exhaust temperatures, are presented for the prototype engine.
Technical Paper

Unsteady Three-Dimensional Computations of the Penetration Length and Mixing Process of Various Single High-Speed Gas Jets for Engines

For various densities of gas jets including very light hydrogen and relatively heavy ones, the penetration length and diffusion process of a single high-speed gas fuel jet injected into air are computed by performing a large eddy simulation (LES) with fewer arbitrary constants applied for the unsteady three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equation. In contrast, traditional ensemble models such as the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation have several arbitrary constants for fitting purposes. The cubic-interpolated pseudo-particle (CIP) method is employed for discretizing the nonlinear terms. Computations of single-component nitrogen and hydrogen jets were done under initial conditions of a fuel tank pressure of gas fuel = 10 MPa and back pressure of air = 3.5 MPa, i.e., the pressure level inside the combustion chamber after piston compression in the engine.
Technical Paper

Computational Optimization of Pressure Wave Reflection on the Piston Surface for Single Point Autoignition Gasoline Engine with Colliding Pulsed Supermulti-Jets Leading to Noiseless-High Compression and Nearly-Complete Air-Insulation

A new engine concept based on pulsed supermulti-jets colliding at a small area around the chamber center was proposed in our previous research. It was expected to provide noiseless high compression ratio and nearly-complete air-insulation on chamber walls, leading to high thermal efficiency. In the previous reports, three-dimensional computations for the unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equation were conducted, which were qualitative because of using regular grid method. This time, we develop a new numerical code in order to quantitatively simulate the compression level caused by the jets colliding with pulse. It is achieved by applying a staggered grid method to improve conservatibity of physical quantities at very high compression in combustion phenomena. Computations at a simple condition were fairly agreed with a theoretical value. Computational results obtained for a complex geometry of an engine by the new code had less error than one with previous codes.
Technical Paper

Two Prototype Engines with Colliding and Compression of Pulsed Supermulti-Jets through a Focusing Process, Leading to Nearly Complete Air Insulation and Relatively Silent High Compression for Automobiles, Motorcycles, Aircrafts, and Rockets

We have proposed the engine featuring a new compressive combustion principle based on pulsed supermulti-jets colliding through a focusing process in which the jets are injected from the chamber walls to the chamber center. This principle has the potential for achieving relatively silent high compression around the chamber center because autoignition occurs far from the chamber walls and also for stabilizing ignition due to this plug-less approach without heat loss on mechanical plugs including compulsory plasma ignition systems. Then, burned high temperature gas is encased by nearly complete air insulation, because the compressive flow shrinking in focusing process gets over expansion flow generated by combustion.