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Technical Paper

Experimentally Supported Modeling of Cycle-to-Cycle Variations of SI Engine Using Cycle-Simulation Model

The paper presents modeling of cycle-to-cycle variations (CCV) of a SI engine by using the modified cycle-simulation model. The presented research has been performed on CFR engine fueled by gasoline. Experimental in-cylinder pressure traces of 300 cycles have been processed for several operating points representing the spark sweep which captured the operating points with low and high CCV. The cycle-simulation model applied in this study uses significantly improved turbulence and combustion model that have been implemented into the cycle-simulation code. Developed k-ε turbulence model and the quasi-dimensional combustion model based on the fractal theory have been applied.
Technical Paper

Numerical Study of Boosting Configurations and Valve Strategies for High Load HCCI Engine in Wide Range of Engine Speed

Nowadays, the main potential of the HCCI engine, i.e. high efficiency with low NOx and soot emissions, is a well-known fact. Main limitations that prevent the commercial application of the HCCI engine are the control of combustion timing and low power density. Higher power density could be achieved by boosting the engine, but low exhaust temperatures associated with the HCCI combustion require a different approach when trying to achieve a boosted HCCI engine. This paper presents a numerical study on two boosting configurations that will enable high boost levels and high load, as a consequence, in the Ethanol fueled HCCI engine, in the engine speed range of 1000 - 4000 rpm. For the purposes of this study, a four-cylinder HCCI engine model has been made in the cycle-simulation software. The model includes the entire engine geometry and all elements necessary for representing the entire engine flow path.
Journal Article

Development and Validation of a Quasi-Dimensional Dual Fuel (Diesel – Natural Gas) Combustion Model

This paper presents a newly developed quasi-dimensional multi-zone dual fuel combustion model, which has been integrated within the commercial engine system simulation framework. Model is based on the modified Multi-Zone Combustion Model and Fractal Combustion Model. Modified Multi-Zone Combustion Model handles the part of the combustion process that is governed by the mixing-controlled combustion, while the modified Fractal Combustion Model handles the part that is governed by the flame propagation through the combustion chamber. The developed quasi-dimensional dual fuel combustion model features phenomenological description of spray processes, i.e. liquid spray break-up, fresh charge entrainment, droplet heat-up and evaporation process. In order to capture the chemical effects on the ignition delay, special ignition delay table has been made.
Journal Article

A Model for Prediction of Knock in the Cycle Simulation by Detail Characterization of Fuel and Temperature Stratification

Development of SI engines to further increase engine efficiency is strongly affected by the occurrence of engine knock. Engine knock has been widely investigated over the years and the main promoting parameters have been identified as load (temperature and pressure), mixture composition, engine speed, characteristic of the fuel, combustion chamber design, and etc. In this paper a new model for predicting engine knock in 0-D environment is presented. The model is based on the well-known approach of using a Livengood and Wu knock integral. Ignition delay data that are supplied to the knock integral are for specific fuel calculated by detail chemical kinetics and are comprised of low temperature heat release ignition delay and high temperature heat release ignition delay. Next, the cycle to cycle variations of engine and temperature stratification of the end gas have to be taken into account.