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Technical Paper

A Computational Study of Hydrogen Direct Injection Using a Pre-Chamber in an Opposed-Piston Engine

Combustion characteristics of a hydrogen (H2) direct-injected (DI) pre-chamber (PC)-assisted opposed piston two-stroke (OP2S) engine are investigated by 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The architecture of the OP2S engine has potential features for reducing wall heat losses, as the DI H2 jets are not directed towards the piston face. To overcome the high resistance to autoignition of H2, a PC technology was implemented in order to enhance the ignition of the mixture by the multiple hot reactive jets. To further investigate the interaction between the H2 plume and the chamber walls, three different piston bowl designs were evaluated and ranked based on a merit function. For the cases under study, the flat piston design was found to be most favorable (compared to the narrow and wide pistons) due to its reduced surface area for lower wall heat losses.
Technical Paper

Control-Oriented Modelling of a Wankel Rotary Engine: A Synthesis Approach of State Space and Neural Networks

The use of Wankel rotary engines as a range extender has been recognised as an appealing method to enhance the performance of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). They are effective alternatives to conventional reciprocating piston engines due to their considerable merits such as lightness, compactness, and higher power-to-weight ratio. However, further improvements on Wankel engines in terms of fuel economy and emissions are still needed. The objective of this work is to investigate the engine modelling methodology that is particularly suitable for the theoretical studies on Wankel engine dynamics and new control development. In this paper, control-oriented models are developed for a 225CS Wankel rotary engine produced by Advanced Innovative Engineering (AIE) UK Ltd. Through a synthesis approach that involves State Space (SS) principles and the artificial Neural Networks (NN), the Wankel engine models are derived by leveraging both first-principle knowledge and engine test data.
Technical Paper

Design and Development of a Test Rig for E-bike Performance Evaluation

The paper describes the development of an innovative test rig for the evaluation of e-bikes in terms of energetic performances and control system. The test rig has been realized starting from a commercial cyclist training system and suitably modified. The test rig is able to reproduce an aforethought route or paths acquired during road tests. It is possible to measure the performance of the e-bike in terms of instantaneous power and speed, by the installed sensors and data acquisition system. The experimental test rig can simulate the resistant torque of a predetermined track and it aims to test and to optimize the control strategy available on the electronic control unit (ECU). An important feature of the system is represented by the possibility to adopt a hardware in the loop approach for the testing of the e-bike and of its control. Indeed, the whole control algorithm can be implemented on a suitable controller board able to execute real time processes.
Journal Article

Initial Investigations into the Benefits and Challenges of Eliminating Port Overlap in Wankel Rotary Engines

The Wankel rotary engine historically found limited success in automotive applications due in part to poor combustion efficiency and challenges around emissions. This is despite its significant advantages in terms of power density, compactness, vibrationless operation, and reduced parts count in relation to the 4-stroke reciprocating engine, which is now-dominant in the automotive market. A large part of the reason for the poor fuel economy and high hydrocarbon emissions of the Wankel engine is that there is a very significant amount of overlap when the ports are opened and/or closed by the rotor apices (so-called peripheral ports). This paper investigates the benefits of zero overlap from a production engine with this characteristic and the effect of configuring a peripherally-ported Wankel engine in such a manner.
Technical Paper

Investigations into Steady-State and Stop-Start Emissions in a Wankel Rotary Engine with a Novel Rotor Cooling Arrangement

The present work investigates a means of controlling engine hydrocarbon startup and shutdown emissions in a Wankel engine which uses a novel rotor cooling method. Mechanically the engine employs a self-pressurizing air-cooled rotor system (SPARCS) configured to provide improved cooling versus a simple air-cooled rotor arrangement. The novelty of the SPARCS system is that it uses the fact that blowby past the sealing grid is inevitable in a Wankel engine as a means of increasing the density of the medium used for cooling the rotor. Unfortunately, the design also means that when the engine is shutdown, due to the overpressure within the engine core and the fact that fuel vapour and lubricating oil are to be found within it, unburned hydrocarbons can leak into the combustion chambers, and thence to the atmosphere via either or both of the intake and exhaust ports.
Technical Paper

Mass Benefit Analysis of 4-Stroke and Wankel Range Extenders in an Electric Vehicle over a Defined Drive Cycle with Respect to Vehicle Range and Fuel Consumption

The gradual push towards electric vehicles (EV) as a primary mode of transport has resulted in an increased focus on electric and hybrid powertrain research. One answer to the consumers’ concern over EV range is the implementation of small combustion engines as generators to supplement the energy stored in the vehicle battery. Since these range extender generators have the opportunity to run in a small operating window, some engine types that have historically struggled in an automotive setting have the potential to be competitive. The relative merits of two different engine options for range extended electric vehicles are simulated in vehicle across the WLTP drive cycle. The baseline electric vehicle chosen was the BMW i3 owing to its availability as an EV with and without a range extender gasoline engine.
Technical Paper

Numerical Analysis of Hydrogen Injection and Mixing in Wankel Rotary Engines

The Wankel rotary engine has been an attractive alternative for transportation due to its unique features of lightweight construction, small size, high power density, and adaptability to various fuels. This paper aims to investigate the performance of air-fuel mixing in a hydrogen-fuelled Wankel rotary engine using different fuelling strategies. To achieve this, 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted using CONVERGE software on a prototype engine with a displacement of 225 cc, manufactured by Advanced Innovative Engineering UK. Initially, the simulations were validated by comparing the results with experimental data obtained from the engine fuelled with conventional gasoline under both motored and fired conditions. After validating the model, simulations were conducted on the premixed hydrogen engine combustion, followed by more detailed simulations of port fuel injection (PFI) and direct injection (DI) of hydrogen in the engine.
Technical Paper

On the Application of Joule-Cycle-Based Waste Heat Recovery to Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Internal combustion engines are becoming ever more efficient as mankind seeks to mitigate the effects of climate change while still maintaining the benefits that a mechanized society has brought to the global economy. As peak values, mass production spark-ignition engines can now achieve approximately 40% brake thermal efficiency and heavy-duty truck compression-ignition engines can approach 50%. While commendable, the unfortunate truth is that the remainder gets emitted as waste heat and is sent to the atmosphere to no useful purpose. Clearly, if one could recover some of this waste heat for beneficial use then this is likely to become important as new means of mitigating fossil CO2 emissions are demanded. A previous study by the authors has identified that the closed Joule cycle (or complications of it beginning to approximate the closed Ericsson cycle) could reasonably be developed to provide a practical means of recovering exhaust heat when applied to a large ship engine.
Technical Paper

Testing of a Modern Wankel Rotary Engine - Part I: Experimental Plan, Development of the Software Tools and Measurement Systems

Wankel rotary engines are becoming an increasingly popular area of research with regard to their use as a range extender in the next generation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). Due to their simple design, lightness, compactness and very favourable power-to-weight ratio, they represent one of the best alternative solutions to classic reciprocating piston engines. On the other hand, current Wankel engines still need improvements in terms of specific fuel consumption and emissions. This paper describes an innovative approach for the assessment of the performance of a modern rotary engine. All the experimental activities will be carried out within the Innovate UK funded ADAPT Intelligent Powertrain project led by Westfield Sportscars Limited.
Technical Paper

Testing of a Modern Wankel Rotary Engine - Part II: Motoring Analysis

The present work represents the continuation of the introductory study presented in part I [11] where the experimental plan, the measurement system and the tools developed for the testing of a modern Wankel engine were illustrated. In this paper the motored data coming from the subsequent stage of the testing are presented. The AIE 225CS Wankel rotary engine produced by Advanced Innovative Engineering UK, installed in the test cell of the University of Bath and equipped with pressure transducers selected for the particular application, has been preliminarily tested under motored conditions in order to validate the data acquisition software on the real application and the correct determination of the Top Dead Centre (TDC) location which is of foremost importance in the computation of parameters such as the indicated work and the combustion heat release when the engine is tested later under fired conditions.
Technical Paper

Testing of a Modern Wankel Rotary Engine - Part III: Firing Condition Analysis

This work represents a further contribution to reporting experimental activities carried out on a modern Wankel rotary engine. Specifically, in this study, the firing performance of the Advanced Innovative Engineering 225CS engine is analysed. Preliminary presentations of the experimental and measurement setup and a motoring analysis were extensively covered in Part I and II of this suite of papers while the current work presents the combustion analysis of the firing indicated pressure cycles collected through the bespoke combustion analyser software developed within the project. With the Wankel rotary engine gaining popularity again due to its potential as a range extender for battery electric vehicles, the aim of this work was mainly to analyse the fuel consumption together with the overall efficiency and the emissions at different engine speeds and loads as per classic steady-state engine testing.
Journal Article

Testing of a Modern Wankel Rotary Engine - Part IV: Overall Mechanical and Thermal Balance

The present work extends the performance analysis of a rotary Wankel engine for range extender applications already introduced in the companion papers of this series. Specifically, in this work, an overall balance was carried out on mechanical and thermal parameters inferred from the indicated pressure cycles and those measured by the dynamometer and the data acquisition system during steady-state engine testing, highlighting the energy fluxes within the machine. The evaluation of the in-chamber heat transfer coefficient, by means of an adapted Woschni model, and the related heat rejected to the coolant represent the additional and necessary analysis to complete the experimental assessment already presented in the previous papers. The tested engine is the Advanced Innovative Engineering 225CS and the experimental testing was conducted using a combustion analyser specifically developed for rotary machines.