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Technical Paper

Modeling & Code Generation for Powertrain Control Monitoring

With the introduction of new technologies ranging from developing new alternative energy vehicles to passive and active safety systems, the automakers are responding to the increased complexity of the control system by embracing Model Based Design (MBD) and Auto-code Generation (ACG) tools for control system design. This translates into lower development costs, higher quality and faster time-to-market. The Ford Motor Company production hybrid group launched a pilot project to study the feasibility of using MBD to speed up the development and testing of the next generation Torque Monitor software. This software uses a custom data storage format, called Double Store Variable (DSV) format, for all the critical signals. Each variable contains two fields, one for storing the actual data and the second for storing a transformed copy (e.g. one's complement) of the data. This allows the software to detect run-time corruption of the data in real-time.
Technical Paper

Active Damping of Engine Idle Speed Oscillation by Applying Adaptive Pid Control

This paper investigates the use of an adaptive proportional-integral-derivative (APID) controller to reduce a combustion engine crankshaft speed pulsation. Both computer simulations and engine test rig experiments are used to validate the proposed control scheme. The starter/alternator (S/A) is used as the actuator for engine speed control. The S/A is an induction machine. It produces a supplemental torque source to cancel out the fast engine torque variation. This machine is placed on the engine crankshaft. The impact of the slowly varying changes in engine operating conditions is accounted for by adjusting the APID controller parameters on-line. The APID control scheme tunes the PID controller parameters by using the theory of adaptive interaction. The tuning algorithm determines a set of PID parameters by minimizing an error function. The error function is a weighted combination of the plant states and the required control effort.
Technical Paper

Motor Resolver Fault Diagnosis for AWD EV based on Structural Analysis

Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are getting more attention in the automotive industry with the technology improvement and increasing focus on fuel economy. For EVs and HEVs, especially all-wheel drive (AWD) EVs with two electric motors powering front and rear axles separately, an accurate motor speed measurement through resolver is significant for vehicle performance and drivability requirement, subject to resolver faults including amplitude imbalance, quadrature imperfection and reference phase shift. This paper proposes a diagnostic scheme for the specific type of resolver fault, amplitude imbalance, in AWD EVs. Based on structural analysis, the vehicle structure is analyzed considering the vehicle architecture and the sensor setup. Different vehicle drive scenarios are studied for designing diagnostic decision logic. The residuals are designed in accordance with the results of structural analysis and the diagnostic decision logic.