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Journal Article

Continuous Preforming System for Curved Composite Profiles

A closing of the gap between the unit costs of composite parts and those of the competing metal parts as demanded by the market for years can best be achieved through use of automated systems. A unique automation solution for the production of composite parts is the Continuous Composite Preforming System (CCPS) by BROETJE-Automation (BA). This system permits the automated, continuous production of 3D shaped and curved composite profiles such as those requiredfor the frames and stringers of modern aircraft. At present such components can only be produced in a very time-intensive sequential manual or semi-automated process. The newly developed system provides a fully automated preforming process for curved profiles to ensure a cost efficient solution for composite frame production.
Technical Paper

Solution for Dry-Fiber-Placement with a Standard Articulating Robot System

Recent changes in the aircraft production process forces us, as a supplier of aircraft assembly equipment, to design innovative and modular manufacturing equipment that complies with modern specifications. This is especially true of composite manufacturing processes in combination with new materials that are now under development. In some applications, the potential for optimizing existing manufacturing processes (e.g. Prepreg-technology) as related to quality improvements and cost reduction has reached their limit. Using optimized production processes like preforming and resin infusion could allow one to achieve considerable benefits. This paper describes the latest development of a robot cell for dry fiber placement. Our customer's application required a completely new type of end-effector and an extension of the proven high accuracy robot positioning system.
Technical Paper

Solution for Automated Drilling in Composite Structures with a Standard Articulating Robot System

Manual drilling in carbon fiber and mixed material structures is a labor and cost intensive process. Therefore, the aircraft manufacturers are constantly investigating flexible and cost-effective automation solutions to improve their production solutions. These objectives inspire us, as a supplier of aircraft assembly equipment, to develop robot and end-effector technologies to fulfill the customer's requirement for a highly accurate, robotic based drilling system for varying aerospace applications. This paper presents an innovative robot cell for drilling different aircraft parts consisting of CFRP and aluminum. The required absolute positioning accuracy is reached by using a proprietary compensation package for the robot that was developed by BROETJE-Automation. The new robot cell is based on a scalable system configuration which provides for the future extension of the work envelope and the integration of automated blind fastening.
Technical Paper

Automated Fastening of Aircraft Cargo Door Structures with a Standard Articulating Robot System

The demand of flexible and cost-efficient solutions for automated fastening systems inspired us to develop the robot and end-effector technology to fulfil the customer's requirement for a highly accurate, automated robot based drill and fastening system for an aerospace application. This paper describes an innovative robot cell for drilling and solid riveting installation in cargo door structures of a single aisle aircraft at EUROCOPTER in Germany. The required absolute positioning accuracy is reached by using a special compensation package for the robot that was developed by BROETJE-Automation. Our customer's application required a completely new type of end-effector; installing solid rivets and capable of operating within the inner structure of the cargo doors. This solution demonstrates how standard robots equipped with a mature compensation method by BROETJE-Automation resulted in a highly flexible and cost-efficient light weight automation response.
Journal Article

Solution for Automated Drilling and Lockbolt Installation in Carbon Fiber Structures

Manual drilling and Lockbolt installation in carbon fiber structures is a labor intensive process. To reduce man hour requirements while concurrently improving throughput and process quality levels BROETJE-Automation developed a gantry positioning system with high performance multi-function end effectors for this application. This paper presents a unique solution featuring fully automated drilling and Lockbolt installation (inclusive of automated collar installation) for the vertical tail plane (vertical stabilizer) of large commercial aircraft. A flexible and reconfigurable assembly jig facilitates high access of the end effectors and increases the equipment efficiency. The described system fulfils the demand for affordable yet flexible precision manufacturing with the capacity to handle different aircraft model panels within the work envelope.