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Technical Paper

A Study of Emission Durability and Ash Accumulation of “Advanced Three-way Catalyst Integrated on Gasoline Particulate Filter” for BS6 (Stage2) Applications

India BS6 Stage2 (2023) regulations demand all gasoline direct injection (GDI) vehicles to meet particulate number emissions (PN) below 6x10+11# per km. Gasoline particulate filters (GPF) are a proven technology and enable high PN filtration efficiencies throughout the entire vehicle lifetime. One challenge for GPF applications could be the changing emission performance characteristics as a function of mileage due to collected ash and/or soot deposits with implications on back pressure losses. The main objective of this technical contribution is to study the above-mentioned challenges while applying Indian driving conditions and typical Indian climate and other ambient conditions. The substrate technology selected for this study is a high porosity GPF designed to enable the integration of a three-way functionality into the GPF, commonly described as catalyzed GPF (cGPF).
Journal Article

Analysis of the Emission Conversion Performance of Gasoline Particulate Filters Over Lifetime

Gasoline particulate filters (GPF) recently entered the market, and are already regarded a state-of-the-art solution for gasoline exhaust aftertreatment systems to enable EU6d-TEMP fulfilment and beyond. Especially for coated GPF applications, the prognosis of the emission conversion performance over lifetime poses an ambitious challenge, which significantly influences future catalyst diagnosis calibrations. The paper presents key-findings for the different GPF application variants. In the first part, experimental GPF ash loading results are presented. Ash accumulates as thin wall layers and short plugs, but does not penetrate into the wall. However, it suppresses deep bed filtration of soot, initially decreasing the soot-loaded backpressure. For the emission calibration, the non-linear backpressure development complicates the soot load monitoring, eventually leading to compromises between high safety against soot overloading and a low number of active regenerations.
Technical Paper

Different Approaches to Soot Estimation as Key Requirement for DPF Applications

The accuracy of soot estimation is - besides thermal management – one of the key requirements for successful DPF applications. With the implementation of more stringent emissions regulations and requirements for fuel efficiency the importance of high quality soot mass estimation becomes even more relevant. The durability targets for T2B5 and Euro 6 require accurate soot load detection under all driving profiles and customer specific environments – from low speed delivery cycles to high speed extra urban driving profiles. The most fuel and CO2 efficient regeneration strategy relies on knowledge of the current soot mass in the DPF. This paper describes several options of soot mass estimation: From an empirical engine out emissions model, combined with a physical soot oxidation model to a physical model in which the pressure drop signal combined with other parameters is used to determine the filter load.
Technical Paper

GPF: An Effective Technology to Minimize Two Wheeler (2Wh) Particulate Emission

India is the world’s largest two-wheeler (2Wh) market. With the proportion of its middle class rapidly rising, 2Wh sales and the resulting emissions, are expected to grow exponentially. The decision to leap-frog from BSIV to BSVI emission norms shows India’s commitment to clean up its atmosphere. As of now, the regulation mandates Gaseous Pollutant (CO, HC, NOx) emission limits for all 2Whs and a particulate limit (PM & PN) for 2Whs powered by Direct Injection (DI) engines. Most of the 2Whs manufactured in India are powered by gasoline engines using the Port Fuel Injection (PFI) technology, and hence by definition particulate emission limits do not apply to them. Particulates when inhaled - especially of the ultrafine sizes capable of entering the blood stream - pose a serious health risk. This was the primary motivation to investigate the particulate emission levels of the 2Whs, which as on date, do not come under the purview of BSVI regulation.
Journal Article

Modeling of the Soot Oxidation in Gasoline Particulate Filters

The share of gasoline engines based on direct injection (DI) technology is rapidly growing, to a large extend driven by their improved efficiency and potential to lower CO2 emissions. One downside of these advanced engines are their significantly higher particulate emissions compared to engines based on port fuel injection technologies [1]. Gasoline particulate filters (GPF) are one potential technology path to address the EU6 particulate number regulation for vehicles powered by gasoline DI engines. For the robust design and operation of GPFs it is essential to understand the mechanisms of soot accumulation and oxidation under typical operating conditions. In this paper we will first discuss the use of detailed numerical simulation to describe the soot oxidation in particulate filters under typical gasoline engine operating conditions. Laboratory experiments are used to establish a robust set of soot oxidation kinetics.
Journal Article

Next Generation Gasoline Particulate Filters for Uncatalyzed Applications and Lowest Particulate Emissions

With the introduction of EU6d and CN6 all vehicles with gasoline direct injection and many with port fuel injection engine will be equipped with a gasoline particulate filter (GPF). A range of first generation filter technologies has been introduced successfully, helping to significantly reduce the tailpipe particulate number emissions. The continued focus on particulate emissions and the increasing understanding of their impact on human health, combined with the advanced emission regulations under RDE conditions results in the desire for filters with even higher filtration efficiency, especially in the totally fresh state. At the same time, to balance with the requirements on power and CO2, limitations exist with respect to the tolerable pressure drop of filters. In this paper we will report on a new generation of gasoline particulate filters for uncatalyzed applications.
Technical Paper

Next Generations of Gasoline Particulate Filters for Catalyzed Applications

Gasoline particulate filters (GPF) have become a standard aftertreatment component in Europe, China, and since recently, India, where particulate emissions are based on a particle number (PN) standard. The anticipated evolution of regulations in these regions towards future EU7, CN7, and BS7 standards further enhances the needs with respect to the filtration capabilities of the GPFs used. Emission performance has to be met over a broader range in particle size, counting particles down to 10nm, and over a broader range of boundary conditions. The requirements with respect to pressure drop, aiming for as low as possible, and durability remain similar or are also enhanced further. To address these future needs new filter technologies have been developed. New technologies for uncatalyzed GPF applications have been introduced in our previous publications.
Technical Paper

On Road Durability and Field Experience Obtained with an Aluminum Titanate Diesel Particulate Filter

A novel diesel particulate filter for passenger car applications was introduced by Corning, based on a stabilized aluminum titanate composition. As part of the development and material evaluation Corning has performed extensive on-road testing of the new material. The testing included several vehicles, filters, system layouts and driving profiles. The filters were tested from 100,000 km to 240,000km. All test vehicles were equipped with instrumentation and data acquisition hardware, enabling the detailed recording of the relevant parameters such as temperature profiles inside the filter, the pressure drop as well as engine data. Throughout the field evaluations the filters were regularly checked for emissions over the NEDC on a chassis dynamometer according to the current European test protocol. In all cases excellent emission performance has been observed over the duration of the tests. The pressure drop performance has generally been good.
Journal Article

Regeneration Strategies for an Enhanced Thermal Management of Oxide Diesel Particulate Filters

Diesel particulate filters are expected to be used on most passenger car applications designed to meet coming European emission standards, EU5 and EU6. Similar expectations hold for systems designed to meet US Tier 2 Bin 5 standards. Among the various products oxide filter materials, such as cordierite and aluminum titanate, are gaining growing interest due to their unique properties. Besides the intrinsic robustness of the filter products a well designed operating strategy is required for the successful use of filters. The operating strategy is comprised of two elements: the soot estimation and the regeneration strategy. In this paper the second element is discussed in detail by means of theoretical considerations as well as dedicated engine bench experiments. The impact the key operating variables, soot load, exhaust mass flow, oxygen content and temperature, have on the conditions inside the filter are discussed.
Technical Paper

Severe Soot Oxidations in Gasoline Particulate Filter Applications

With the start of EU6 in 2017 gasoline particulate filters (GPF) have been introduced to production vehicles. It is expected that by 2019 all gasoline direct injection engines sold in Europe will be equipped with a GPF. A similar trend is observed in China with a slight delay compared to Europe, but covering all gasoline engines, including those with port fuel injection technology. With the introduction of GPFs, new requirements are introduced to the management of gasoline engines and their aftertreatment. One requirement is to protect the aftertreatment components from excessive temperatures and damage as result of uncontrolled soot oxidations. While the general fundamentals are similar to those in diesel applications, significant differences exist in the relevant details.
Technical Paper

Three Way Catalyst with Faster Light-Off Substrates – A Promising Approach to Reduce Tailpipe Emissions

The ever-tightening regulation norms across the world emphasize the magnitude of the air pollution problem. The decision to leapfrog from BS4 to BS6 – with further reduction in emission limits -showed India’s commitment to clean up its atmosphere. The overall cycle emissions were reduced significantly to meet BS6 targets [1]. However, the introduction of RDE norms in BS6.2 [1] demanded further reduction in emissions under real time operating conditions – start-stop, hard acceleration, idling, cold start – which was possible only through strategies that demanded a cost effective yet robust solutions. The first few seconds of the engine operation after start contribute significantly to the cycle gaseous emissions. This is because the thermal inertia of the catalytic converter restricts the rate at which temperature of the catalyst increases and achieves the desired “light-off” temperature.