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Technical Paper

Pre-filter Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Development for DOC-CSF System

Pre-filter diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) development for a DOC-CSF system has been conducted. The pre-filter DOC is required to efficiently oxidize fuel and generate heat to regenerate accumulated soot within the catalyzed soot filter (CSF). Therefore, high thermal durability is required. In addition, good transient hydrocarbon (HC) activity is required for the DOC to reduce tailpipe HC emissions. The required performance is dependent on the OEM's system control strategy. A DOC catalyst designed to have well dispersed Pt showed high fuel combustion performance. Such high Pt dispersion was obtained by using high specific surface area Al2O3. Zeolite included into the catalyst formulation showed higher transient HC performance compared to a catalyst without zeolite. The effective catalyst layer depth with respect to transient HC activity was studied by computer simulation.
Technical Paper

Observation of Soot Accumulation Conditions in Diesel Particulate Filter and Gas Flow Analysis

Soot (here, total particulate matter; TPM) accumulation in a diesel particulate filter (DPF) was characterized for two different engine conditions (high speed / high load and low speed / low load). Soot weight distribution within the filter was different in two engine conditions the accumulated PM layer was thicker when the engine conditions were low speed / low load even though the accumulated soot amounts were almost equivalent. Flow field conditions in a DPF were calculated and soot accumulation conditions were assumed from the solution. In the axial direction (with gas flow) uniform soot accumulation was suggested. However, in the radial direction (from center to side), non-uniform accumulation was suggested from the flow field solution and this result was experimentally confirmed. Temperature distribution in the DPF during uncontrolled soot regeneration was also calculated. The simulation suggested that the highest temperature would be observed in the back middle area of DPF.
Technical Paper

Detailed Mechanism of S Poisoning and De-Sulfation Treatment of Cu-SCR Catalyst

Modern diesel emission control systems often use Urea Selective Catalytic Reduction (Urea-SCR) for NOx control. One of the most active SCR catalysts is based on Cu-zeolite, specifically Cu-Chabazite (Cu-CHA), also known as Cu-SSZ-13. The Cu-SCR catalyst exhibits high NOx control performance and has a high thermal durability. However, its catalytic performance deteriorates upon long-term exposure to sulfur. This work describes our efforts to investigate the detailed mechanism of poisoning of the catalyst by sulfur, the optimum conditions required for de-sulfation, and the recovery of catalytic activity. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to locate the sulfur adsorption site within the Cu-zeolite structure. Analytical characterization of the sulfur-poisoned catalyst was performed using Extreme Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (EUPS) and Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS).
Technical Paper

Study of DOC+CSF Optimization

To meet the severe PM (Particulate Matter) emission regulation for diesel vehicles, use of a DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalyst) + CSF (Catalyzed Soot Filter) emission control system has recently been started in Japan. The CSF is used for diesel exhaust soot filtering, and the accumulated soot is periodically combusted to regenerate the CSF. The heat required for the soot regeneration is supplied from the DOC pre-cat under a specific regeneration mode. Additional fuel is supplied to the DOC by post injection and/or fuel dosing into the exhaust pipe upstream of DOC. The resulting exotherm provides the heat for soot combustion on the CSF. Uniform and controlled soot combustion in the CSF is necessary to maintain system durability during the vehicle's life. There are concerns that non-uniform fuel supply to the DOC front face may lead to non-uniform soot combustion in the CSF.
Technical Paper

SOF Combustion Behavior in Flow-thru Diesel Oxidation Catalysts

Combustion behavior of the SOF (Soluble organic fraction) fraction of diesel particulate by flow-thru type diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC) was studied. A two brick DOC system with an air gap showed higher SOF performance than a single brick DOC of the same total volume. Collision frequency of the TPM (total particulate matter) to the catalyst layer was studied by calculation of the turbulence energy in the gas flow channel. No large difference in collision frequency was observed between one brick and two bricks. The front face effect was calculated from the geometric surface and it was confirmed that such an effect was small in the two brick DOC case. The SOF performance advantage for the two brick DOC system separated by an air gap was due to a thermo-mass effect created by reducing the DOC volume.
Technical Paper

Effective Catalyst Layer Study by Computer Calculation

The transient HC performance of diesel oxidation catalysts is known to be greatly improved by addition of Zeolite material. The authors already reported how to estimate the effective washcoat thickness in our previous study [1]. To understand in more detail the effective catalyst layer thickness, a precise gas diffusion model and parameters of HC adsorption and desorption rate were determined in this study. The random pore model was used for a gas diffusion calculation to simulate the macro porosity of the catalyst layer and micro porosity of the Zeolite material. HC adsorption capacity as a function of temperature and HC concentration was measured by Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD). HC desorption rate was evaluated by changing the TPD ramping rate. HC reaction rate was evaluated by using a model gas reactor. Calculated catalyst performance correlated to the experimental results, thus validating the model.
Technical Paper

Development of Methane Oxidation Catalyst and Its Mechanism

Palladium is well known to catalyze methane (CH4) oxidation more efficiently than platinum (Pt) and/or rhodium (Rh) catalysts. The mechanism for methane oxidation on palladium is hypothesized to proceed via a radical intermediate. Direct identification of a radical species was not detected by Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (ESR). However, indirect evidence for a radical intermediate was found by identification of ethane (C2H6), the methyl radical(CH3 ˙ ) coupling product, by Mass spectroscopy analysis under CH4/O2 conditions.