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Technical Paper

Identifying the Driving Processes of Diesel Spray Injection through Mixture Fraction and Velocity Field Measurements at ECN Spray A

Diesel spray mixture formation is investigated at target conditions using multiple diagnostics and laboratories. High-speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used to measure the velocity field inside and outside the jet simultaneously with a new frame straddling synchronization scheme. The PIV measurements are carried out in the Engine Combustion Network Spray A target conditions, enabling direct comparisons with mixture fraction measurements previously performed in the same conditions, and forming a unique database at diesel conditions. A 1D spray model, based upon mass and momentum exchange between axial control volumes and near-Gaussian velocity and mixture fraction profiles is evaluated against the data.
Journal Article

Optical Investigation of Sooting Propensity of n-Dodecane Pilot/Lean-Premixed Methane Dual-Fuel Combustion in a Rapid Compression-Expansion Machine

The sooting propensity of dual-fuel combustion with n-dodecane pilot injection in a lean-premixed methane-air charge has been investigated using an optically accessible Rapid Compression-Expansion Machine (RCEM) to achieve engine-relevant pressure and temperature conditions at the start of pilot injection. A Diesel injector with a 100 μm single-hole coaxial nozzle, mounted at the cylinder periphery, has been employed to admit the pilot fuel. The aim of this study was to enhance the fundamental understanding of soot formation and oxidation processes of n-dodecane in the presence of methane in the air charge by parametric variation of methane equivalence ratio, charge temperature, and pilot fuel injection duration. The influence of methane on ignition delay and flame extent of the pilot fuel jet has been determined by simultaneous excited-state hydroxyl radical (OH*) chemiluminescence and Schlieren imaging.
Technical Paper

Experimental Methodology for the Understanding of Soot-Fuel Relationship in Diesel Combustion: Fuel Characterization and Surrogate Validation

This paper is a contribution to the understanding of the formation and oxidation of soot in Diesel combustion. An ECN spray A injector (single axial-oriented orifice) was tested in a well characterized high-temperature/high-pressure vessel at engine relevant conditions. The size of the test section (>70mm) enables to study the soot formation process in nearly free field conditions, which constitutes an ideal feature for fundamental understanding and model validation. Simultaneous high-speed OH* chemiluminescence imaging and high-speed 2D extinction were performed to link together the information regarding flame chemistry (i.e. lift-off length) and the soot data. The experiments were carried out for a set of fuels with different CN and sooting index (Diesel fuel, Jet fuel, gasoline and n-dodecane) performing parametric variations in the test conditions (ambient temperature and oxygen concentration).
Technical Paper

Study of ECN Injectors’ Behavior Repeatability with Focus on Aging Effect and Soot Fluctuations

The Engine Combustion Network (ECN) has become a leading group concerning the experimental and computational analysis of engine combustion phenomena. In order to establish a coherent database for model validation, all the institutions participating in the experimental effort carry out tests at well-defined boundary conditions and using wellcharacterized hardware. In this framework, the reference Spray A injectors have produced different results even when tested in the same facility, highlighting that the nozzle employed and its fouling are important parameters to be accounted for. On the other hand, the number of the available Spray A injectors became an issue, due to the increasing number of research centers and simultaneous experiments taking place in the ECN community. The present work has a double aim: on the one hand, to seek for an appropriate methodology to “validate” new injectors for ECN experiments and to provide new hardware for the ECN community.
Journal Article

A Progress Review on Soot Experiments and Modeling in the Engine Combustion Network (ECN)

The 4th Workshop of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) was held September 5-6, 2015 in Kyoto, Japan. This manuscript presents a summary of the progress in experiments and modeling among ECN contributors leading to a better understanding of soot formation under the ECN “Spray A” configuration and some parametric variants. Relevant published and unpublished work from prior ECN workshops is reviewed. Experiments measuring soot particle size and morphology, soot volume fraction (fv), and transient soot mass have been conducted at various international institutions providing target data for improvements to computational models. Multiple modeling contributions using both the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Equations approach and the Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) approach have been submitted. Among these, various chemical mechanisms, soot models, and turbulence-chemistry interaction (TCI) methodologies have been considered.
Technical Paper

Investigation of the Mixing Process and the Fuel Mass Concentration Fields for a Gasoline Direct-Injection Spray at ECN Spray G Conditions and Variants

Within the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) research frame, the mixing process and the fuel mass concentration fields were investigated at spray G conditions and variants with optical diagnostics. Experiments were conducted in a high-temperature high-pressure constant-volume pre-combustion vessel. The target condition, called “Spray G”, which is representative of gasoline direct-injection engine conditions, uses well-defined ambient (573 K, 6 bar, 3.5 kg/m3, O2-free) and injector conditions (200 bar, eight-hole injector, 0.165 mm orifice diameter). Measurements were also conducted at 6 and 9 kg/m3 for temperatures of 700 and 800 K respectively. Two techniques were used to visualize the jet formation: p-difluorobenzene laser induced fluorescence (LIF) imaging and high-repetition-rate schlieren visualization. Images from both methods were compared in terms of jet penetration and size.
Journal Article

Automated Detection of Primary Particles from Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Images of Soot Aggregates in Diesel Engine Environments

The major challenge of the post-processing of soot aggregates in transmission electron microscope (TEM) images is the detection of soot primary particles that have no clear boundaries, vary in size within the fractal aggregates, and often overlap with each other. In this study, we propose an automated detection code for primary particles implementing the Canny Edge Detection (CED) and Circular Hough Transform (CHT) on pre-processed TEM images for particle edge enhancement using unsharp filtering as well as image inversion and self-subtraction. The particle detection code is tested for soot TEM images obtained at various ambient and injection conditions, and from five different combustion facilities including three constant-volume combustion chambers and two diesel engines.
Journal Article

Characterization of a Set of ECN Spray A Injectors: Nozzle to Nozzle Variations and Effect on Spray Characteristics

The Engine Combustion Network (ECN) is becoming a leading group concerning the experimental and computational analysis of Engine combustion. In order to establish a coherent database for model validation, all the institutions participating to the experimental effort carry out experiments at well-defined standard conditions (in particular at Spray A conditions: 22.8kg/m3, 900K, 0% and 15% O2) and with Diesel injectors having the same specifications. Due to the rising number of ECN participants and also to unavoidable damages, additional injectors are required. This raises the question of injector's characteristics reproducibility and of the appropriate method to introduce such new injectors in the ECN network. In order to investigate this issue, a set of 8 new injectors with identical nominal Spray A specification were purchased and 4 of them were characterized using ECN standard diagnostics.
Journal Article

Study of Soot Formation and Oxidation in the Engine Combustion Network (ECN), Spray A: Effects of Ambient Temperature and Oxygen Concentration

Within the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) spray combustion research frame, simultaneous line-of-sight laser extinction measurements and laser-induced incandescence (LII) imaging were performed to derive the soot volume fraction (fv). Experiments are conducted at engine-relevant high-temperature and high-pressure conditions in a constant-volume pre-combustion type vessel. The target condition, called "Spray A," uses well-defined ambient (900 K, 60 bar, 22.8 kg/m₃, 15% oxygen) and injector conditions (common rail, 1500 bar, KS1.5/86 nozzle, 0.090 mm orifice diameter, n-dodecane, 363 K). Extinction measurements are used to calibrate LII images for quantitative soot distribution measurements at cross sections intersecting the spray axis. LII images are taken after the start of injection where quasi-stationary combustion is already established.
Journal Article

Air Entrainment in Diesel-Like Gas Jet by Simultaneous Flow Velocity and Fuel Concentration Measurements, Comparison of Free and Wall Impinging Jet Configurations

The air entrainment process of diesel-like gas jet was studied by simultaneous measurements of concentration and velocity fields. A high pressure gas jet was used to simulate diesel injection conditions. The injection mass flow rate was similar to that of typical diesel injection. The experiments were performed in a high pressure vessel at typical ambient gas density of diesel engine during spray injection. The ambient gas density was varied from 25 to 30 kg/m₃ and three nozzle diameters, 0.2, 0.35 and 0.5 mm were used. Both free and wall-impinging jet configurations were investigated by combining Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to obtain simultaneous planar measurements of concentration and velocity. Fuel concentration fields were used to define the edges of the jet and allow an accurate determination of the air entrainment rate both in free and wall-impinging configurations.
Technical Paper

Time-Resolved Fuel Film Thickness Measurement for Direct Injection SI Engines Using Refractive Index Matching

The fuel film thickness resulting from fuel spray impingement on a flat transparent window was characterized in a high pressure high temperature cell for various thermodynamic conditions, injection pressures, injection durations, fuel types and injector technologies by Refractive Index Matching technique. The ambient conditions at injection timing were similar to that of a direct injection spark ignition engine at Top Dead Center, with the distance between the injector tip and the impinging surface set to 10 mm. The spray axis was set normal to the rough transparent window surface at ambient temperatures of 453 K, 573 K and 673 K, and ambient densities of 5.0 kg/m₃, 6.0 kg/m₃ and 6.5 kg/m₃. Injection pressures of 100 and 200 bar were investigated. Three injector technologies were studied: piezo-electric, multi-holes and swirl types. Two fuels, iso-octane and model gasoline, were tested.
Journal Article

Two-Dimensional In-Cylinder Soot Volume Fractions in Diesel Low Temperature Combustion Mode

Soot Volume Fraction (SVF) measurements were performed in an IFP Energies nouvelles optical single cylinder Diesel engine operated in Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) conditions. The engine was equipped with a sapphire liner, a dedicated flat bowl piston and a six-hole common-rail high pressure injector. The piston design included four quartz windows allowing optical access into the bowl. The aim of this work was to study soot formation and oxidation during the LTC Diesel combustion process and to build a database providing soot formation and oxidation data under a set of engine conditions to help developing and testing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models. Two complementary optical diagnostic techniques were combined: Planar Laser Induced Incandescence (PLII) and Laser Extinction Method (LEM).
Journal Article

Comparison of Diesel Spray Combustion in Different High-Temperature, High-Pressure Facilities

Diesel spray experimentation at controlled high-temperature and high-pressure conditions is intended to provide a more fundamental understanding of diesel combustion than can be achieved in engine experiments. This level of understanding is needed to develop the high-fidelity multi-scale CFD models that will be used to optimize future engine designs. Several spray chamber facilities capable of high-temperature, high-pressure conditions typical of engine combustion have been developed, but because of the uniqueness of each facility, there are uncertainties about their operation. For this paper, we describe results from comparative studies using constant-volume vessels at Sandia National Laboratories and IFP.
Journal Article

Study of Air Entrainment of Multi-hole Diesel Injection by Particle Image Velocimetry - Effect of Neighboring Jets Interaction and Transient Behavior After End of Injection.

The air entrainment of multi-hole diesel injection is investigated by high speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) using a multi-hole common rail injector with an injection pressure of 100 MPa. The sprays are observed in a high pressure, high temperature cell that reproduces the thermodynamic conditions which exist in the combustion chamber of a diesel engine during injection. Typical ambient temperature of 800K and ambient density of 25 kg/m3 are chosen. The air entrainment is studied with the PIV technique, giving access to the velocity fields in the surrounding air and/or in the interior of two neighboring jets. High acquisition rate of 5000 Hz, corresponding to 200 μs between two consecutive image pairs is obtained by a high-speed camera coupled with a high-speed Nd:YLF laser. The effect of neighboring jets interaction is studied by comparing four injectors with different numbers of holes (4, 6, 8 and 12) with similar static mass flow rate per hole.
Journal Article

Soot Volume Fraction Measurements in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine by Combined Laser Induced Incandescence and Laser Extinction Method

In order to study the soot formation and oxidation phenomena during the combustion process of Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines, soot volume fraction measurements were performed in an optical GDI engine by combined Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII) and Laser Extinction Method (LEM). The coupling of these two diagnostics takes advantages of their complementary characteristics. LII provides a two-dimensional image of the soot distribution while LEM is used to calibrate the LII image in order to obtain soot volume fraction fields. The LII diagnostic was performed through a quartz cylinder liner in order to obtain a vertical plane of soot concentration distribution. LEM was simultaneously performed along a line of sight that was coplanar with the LII plane, in order to carry out quantitative measurements of path-length-averaged soot volume fraction. The LII images were calibrated along the same path as that of the LEM measurement.
Technical Paper

Optimizing Early Injection Strategy for Diesel PCCI Combustion

A low swirl, low compression ratio engine with narrow fuel spray angle injector was used to investigate the cylinder wall wetting process of early direct injection strategies. A methodology was developed in order to detect liquid fuel impingement on the cylinder wall oil film. First, single injection tests were performed in order to investigate the effect of injection pressure and start of injection on the amount of fuel that can be injected in the combustion chamber without liquid fuel cylinder wall impingement. Then double injection strategies were performed to verify the existence of interactions between successive injections for early injection thermodynamic conditions. Finally an optimization of the injection strategy maximizing the fuel quantity without cylinder wall wetting is proposed. Results obtained for single early direct injection show that all conditions of injection timing during the intake stroke lead to cylinder wall wetting above a given injected mass.
Journal Article

Formation of Unburned Hydrocarbons in Low Temperature Diesel Combustion

Low temperature combustion is a promising way to reach low NOx emissions in Diesel engines but one of its drawbacks, in comparison to conventional Diesel combustion is the drastic increase of Unburned Hydrocarbons (UHC). In this study, the sources of UHC of a low temperature combustion system were investigated in both a standard, all-metal single-cylinder Diesel engine and an equivalent optically-accessible engine. The investigations were conducted under low load operating conditions (2 and 4 bar IMEP). Two piston bowl geometries were tested: a wall-guided and a more conventional Diesel chamber geometry. Engine parameters such as the start of injection (SOI) timing, the level of charge dilution via exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR), intake temperature, injection pressure and engine coolant temperature were varied. Furthermore, the level of swirl and the diameter of the injector nozzle holes were also varied in order to determine and quantify the sources of UHC.
Journal Article

Study of the Mixing and Combustion Processes of Consecutive Short Double Diesel Injections

The mixing and combustion processes of short double Diesel injections are investigated by optical diagnostics. A single hole Common Rail Diesel injector allowing high injection pressure up to 120MPa is used. The spray is observed in a high pressure, high temperature cell that reproduces the thermodynamic conditions which exist in the combustion chamber of a Diesel engine during injection. Three configurations are studied: a single short injection serving as a reference case and two double short injections with short and long dwell time (time between the injections). Several optical diagnostics were performed successively. The mixing process is studied by normalized Laser Induced Exciplex Fluorescence giving access to the vapor fuel concentration fields. In addition, the flow fields both inside and outside the jets are characterized by Particle Imaging Velocimetry.
Technical Paper

On the origin of Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions in a Wall Guided, Low NOx Diesel Combustion System

The formation mechanisms of unburned hydrocarbons (HC) in low NOx, homogeneous type Diesel combustion have been investigated in both standard and optical access single cylinder engines operating under low load (2 and 4 bar IMEP) conditions. In the standard (i.e. non-optical) engine, parameters such as injection timing, intake temperature and global equivalence ratio were varied in order to analyse the role of bulk quenching on HC emissions formation. Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) imaging of in-cylinder unburned HC within the bulk gases was performed on the optical-access engine. Furthermore, studies were performed in order to ascertain whether the piston top-land crevice volume contributes significantly to engine-out HC emissions. Finally, the role of piston-top fuel films and their impact on HC emissions was studied. This was investigated on the all-metal engine using two fuels of different volatilities.
Technical Paper

Study of the Correlation Between Mixing and Auto-Ignition Processes in High Pressure Diesel Jets

A tracer laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique for the visualisation of fuel distribution in the presence of oxygen was developed and then used sequentially with high speed chemiluminescence imaging to study the correlation between the mixing and auto-ignition processes of high pressure Diesel jets. A single hole common rail Diesel injector allowing high injection pressures up to 150MPa was used. The reacting fuel spray was observed in a high pressure, high temperature cell that reproduces the thermodynamic conditions which exist in the combustion chamber of a Diesel engine during injection. Both free jet and flat wall impinging jet configurations were studied. Several tracers were first considered with the objective of developing a tracer-LIF technique in the presence of oxygen. 5-nonanone was selected for its higher fluorescence efficiency.